Workspace / Document Retrieval Script (tendril-getdox)

This script retrieves all the documents in the docstore related to a linked to the specified serial number and populates the provided workspace folder with them.

This script can be used to regenerate the context from which an order can be regenerated using the appropriate script.

See also


Script Usage

Copy published documents into the workspace.

usage: tendril-getdox [-h] [--version] [--workspace NAME] [--clear-ws] [SNO]
Positional arguments:
serialno Document serial number
--version show program’s version number and exit
--workspace, -w
 The name of the workspace to use. Default ‘workspace’. The folder is relative to the instance workspace, $HOME/.tendril/scratch/
--clear-ws, -c Remove any files already present in the workspace.

Constructs the CLI argument parser for the tendril-getdox script.


The tendril-getdox script entry point.