Device Test Runner Script (tendril-runtest)

This script runs tests for a device.


  • The test definitions are retrieved from the corresponding projects’s configs.yaml file.
  • The serial number to device type mappings are determined from the serial number database.
  • The detect infrastructure is based on the device’s MAC and the corresponding detection code.

Script Usage

Run device tests for a device

usage: tendril-runtest [-h] [--version] [--detect MACTYPE] [--stale [DAYS]]
                       [--force] [--offline DEVICETYPE]
Positional arguments:
serialno Device serial number
--version show program’s version number and exit
--detect, -d Autodetect serial number using the specified MACTYPE. No effect if serial number specified.
--stale, -s Number of days to have passed for a test result to be considered stale. Default 5.
--force, -f Re-run all tests, even if fresh test passed.
--offline, -o Offline testing. Device descriptor required.

Constructs the CLI argument parser for the tendril-runtest script., force, stale, devicetype)[source]

Run tests for device.

  • serialno – The serial number of the device.
  • force – Re-run all test suites, even if fresh passed results exist.
  • stale – Minimum age of test result to consider it stage.
  • devicetype – Specify the device type for offline testing.

The tendril-runtest script entry point.