PCB Pricing Generation Script (tendril-genpcbpricing)

This script (re-)generates pcb pricing information for PCBs linked to recognized projects based on the criteria specified by the command parameters.


The parameters used for obtaining the PCB pricing and the quantity range are determined by the content of the project’s configs.yaml file.


This script retrieves pricing information from the PCB vendor. It will take quite some time to execute.

Script Usage

(Re-)Generate CSIL PCB Pricing Information.

usage: tendril-genpcbpricing [-h] [--version] [--force] [--lazy] [--dry-run]
                             [--recurse] [--all] [--include-suspended]
                             [--include-deprecated] [--include-archived]
                             [PATH [PATH ...]]
Positional arguments:
projfolders gEDA Project Folder(s), ignored for –all.
--version show program’s version number and exit
--force, -f Regenerate pricing even if it seems to be up-to-date
--lazy, -l Don’t regenerate pricing if it exists, even if it seems to be out-of-date
--dry-run, -n Dry run only. Don’t do anything which can change the filesystem
--recurse, -r Recursively search for projects under each provided PATH.
--all, -a All recognized projects.
--include-suspended, -iu
 Include suspended projects.
--include-deprecated, -ip
 Include deprecated projects.
--include-archived, -ir
 Include archived projects.
--include-discarded, -is
 Include discarded projects.


Generalize this process and remove vendor specificity.


Constructs the CLI argument parser for the tendril-genpcbpricing script.

tendril.scripts.genpcbpricing.regenerate_all(force=False, lazy=False, dry_run=False)[source]

Regenerates PCB pricing information for all projects.

  • force – Regenerate even for up-to-date projects.
  • lazy – New projects only. Doesn’t regenerate for projects with out-of-date pricing information
  • dry_run – Check only. Don’t actually generate any documentation.

The tendril-genpcbpricing script entry point.