gEDA Symbol Library Search Script (tendril-gsymlib)

Simple search tools for searching the gEDA symbol library.

Script Usage

Simple search tools for searching the gEDA symbol library.

usage: tendril-gedaif [-h] [--version] [-s SEARCH STRING] [-x] [-v] [-u] [-p]
                      [-q QUANTITY]
--version show program’s version number and exit
-s, --search Search string.
-x, --regex The search string is a python regular expression.
-v, --verbose Print detailed symbol information.
-u, --utilization
 Print symbol utilization information.
-p, --pricing Print symbol pricing information. Provides pricing for the lowest guideline compliant quantity unless otherwise specified using -q.
-q, --quantity Retrieve information for a different quantity.

Constructs the CLI argument parser for the tendril-gedaif script.

tendril.scripts.gsymlib.render_symbol(symbol, verbose=False, inclusion=False, pricing=False)[source]

The tendril-gedaif script entry point.