Project Validation Script (tendril-validate)

Reports validation errors for the specified projects / modules.

Script Usage

Validate (gEDA) projects and modules.

usage: tendril-validate [-h] [--version] [--modules [MODULE [MODULE ...]]]
                        [--recurse] [--all] [--include-suspended]
                        [--include-deprecated] [--include-archived]
                        [--include-discarded] [--sourcing]
                        [PATH [PATH ...]]
Positional arguments:
projfolders gEDA Project Folder(s), ignored for –all.
--version show program’s version number and exit
--modules, -m Module Names. Overrides any PATHs that may be provided.
--recurse, -r Recursively search for projects under each provided PATH.
--all, -a All recognized projects.
--include-suspended, -iu
 Include suspended projects.
--include-deprecated, -ip
 Include deprecated projects.
--include-archived, -ir
 Include archived projects.
--include-discarded, -is
 Include discarded projects.
--sourcing, -s Report sourcing errors as well.

Constructs the CLI argument parser for the tendril-validate script.

tendril.scripts.validate.validate_module(modulename, s=False, statuses=None)[source]

Report validation errors for the specified module. :param modulename: The name of the module. :param s: Whether to report sourcing errors as well. :param statuses: Criterion for module status to include the module.

tendril.scripts.validate.validate_project(projectfolder, s=False, statuses=None)[source]

Report validation errors for all modules provided by the specified project. :param projectfolder: The path to the project folder. :param s: Whether to report sourcing errors as well. :param statuses: Criterion for module status to include the module.

tendril.scripts.validate.validate_all(s=False, statuses=None)[source]

Report validation errors for all known modules. :param s: Whether to report sourcing errors as well. :param statuses: Criterion for module status to include the module.


The tendril-validate script entry point.