Source code for tendril.testing.testbase

# Copyright (C) 2015 Chintalagiri Shashank
# This file is part of Tendril.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
This file is part of tendril
See the COPYING, README, and INSTALL files for more information

import os
import arrow
import json
from collections import namedtuple

from tendril.utils.fsutils import TEMPDIR
from tendril.utils.fsutils import get_tempname

from colorama import Fore
from tendril.utils import terminal
from tendril.utils import log
logger = log.get_logger(__name__, log.INFO)

TestLine = namedtuple('TestLine', ['desc', 'expected', 'measured'])

[docs]class TestPrepBase(object): """ Object representing a preparatory step for a Test """ def __init__(self): self._parent = None @property def parent(self): return self._parent @parent.setter def parent(self, value): self._parent = value
[docs] def run_prep(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class TestPrepUser(TestPrepBase): def __init__(self, string): super(TestPrepUser, self).__init__() self._string = string
[docs] def run_prep(self): print Fore.YELLOW + self._string + Fore.RESET raw_input(Fore.YELLOW + "Press Enter to continue..." + Fore.RESET)
[docs]class RunnableTest(object): def __init__(self): self._serialno = None self._parent = None self._desc = None self._title = None self._ts = None self._dummy = None @property def parent(self): return self._parent @parent.setter def parent(self, value): self._parent = value @property def dummy(self): if self._dummy is not None: return self._dummy else: if self._parent is not None: return self._parent.dummy else: return False @dummy.setter def dummy(self, value): self._dummy = value @property def serialno(self): # override_sno = "QTJDT7SL" # return override_sno if self._serialno is not None: return self._serialno else: return self._parent.serialno @serialno.setter def serialno(self, value): self._serialno = value
[docs] def run_test(self): raise NotImplementedError
@property def passed(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def render(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def finish(self): + " :: Result : " + str(self.passed))
[docs] def destroy(self): raise NotImplementedError
@property def desc(self): return self._desc @desc.setter def desc(self, value): self._desc = value @property def title(self): return self._title @title.setter def title(self, value): self._title = value @property def ts(self): return self._ts @ts.setter def ts(self, value): if isinstance(value, arrow.Arrow): self._ts = value else: self._ts = arrow.get(value) def __repr__(self): return "<{0} {1}>".format(self.__class__, self.desc)
[docs]class TestBase(RunnableTest): """ Object representing a full runnable Test of the same Measurement type """ def __init__(self, offline=False): super(TestBase, self).__init__() self._prep = [] self._measurements = [] self._result = None self.variables = {} self._bom_object = None self._offline = offline self._inststr = None self._passfailonly = False @property def offline(self): return self._offline
[docs] def add_measurement(self, measurement): measurement.parent = self self._measurements.append(measurement) return measurement
[docs] def run_test(self): logger.debug("Running Test : " + repr(self)) if self._offline is True: raise IOError("Cannot run an offline test") for prep in self._prep: prep.run_prep() for measurement in self._measurements: measurement.do_measurement() self.ts = arrow.utcnow()
[docs] def _load_variable(self, name, typeclass, default=None): if name not in self.variables.keys(): assert isinstance(default, typeclass) return default if isinstance(self.variables[name], typeclass): return self.variables[name] try: if isinstance(self.variables[name], typeclass): return self.variables[name] rv = typeclass(self.variables[name]) return rv except ValueError: value = self.variables[name] if ':' in value: motif_refdes, elem = value.split(':') motif = self._bom_object.get_motif_by_refdes(motif_refdes) try: value = getattr(motif, elem) except (TypeError, AttributeError): logger.error("Error getting element " + repr(elem) + " from Motif " + repr(motif) + ", required by " + value) logger.error("Bomobject configured for " + self._bom_object.configured_for) raise if isinstance(value, typeclass): return value value = typeclass(value) except KeyError: raise return value
[docs] def configure(self, **kwargs): self.variables.update(kwargs) if 'passfailonly' in kwargs.keys(): self._passfailonly = kwargs['passfailonly']
[docs] def use_bom(self, bomobj): self._bom_object = bomobj
[docs] def add_prep(self, prep): prep.parent = self self._prep.append(prep)
@property def passed(self): raise NotImplementedError @property def render(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def render_dox(self): gd = [{'x': x, 'y': y, 'title': t, 'params': p} for x, y, p, t in self.graphs_data] graphs_data = json.dumps(gd) test_dict = {'desc': self.desc, 'title': self.title, 'ts': self.ts.format(), 'passed': ('PASSED' if self.passed is True else 'FAILED'), 'measurements': [x.render_dox() for x in self._measurements], 'instrument': self._inststr, 'lines': self.lines, 'passfailonly': self.passfailonly, 'graphs_data': graphs_data, } return test_dict
@property def passfailonly(self): try: return self._passfailonly except AttributeError: return False @passfailonly.setter def passfailonly(self, value): self._passfailonly = value @property def lines(self): return [] @property def graphs(self): return self._make_graphs() @property def histograms(self): return self._make_histograms() @staticmethod
[docs] def get_new_graph_path(): return os.path.join(TEMPDIR, 'graph' + get_tempname() + '.png')
[docs] def _make_graph(*args, **kwargs): from tendril.dox.render import make_graph return make_graph(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def _make_histogram(*args, **kwargs): from tendril.dox.render import make_histogram return make_histogram(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def _get_graphs_data(self): return []
[docs] def _get_histograms_data(self): return []
@property def graphs_data(self): return self._get_graphs_data() @property def histograms_data(self): return self._get_histograms_data()
[docs] def _make_graphs(self): rval = [] for plotdata_x, plotdata_y, params, title in self._get_graphs_data(): plt_path = self.get_new_graph_path() self._make_graph(plt_path, plotdata_y, plotdata_x, **params) rval.append((plt_path, self.desc + ' ' + title)) return rval
[docs] def _make_histograms(self): rval = [] for plotdata_y, params, title in self._get_histograms_data(): plt_path = self.get_new_graph_path() self._make_histogram(plt_path, plotdata_y, **params) rval.append((plt_path, self.desc + ' ' + title)) return rval
[docs] def _pr_repr(string): if string[0] == string[-1] == "'": return string[1:-1] else: return string
[docs] def load_result_from_obj(self, result_db_obj): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def finish(self): if self.passed is True: result = Fore.GREEN + '[PASSED]' + Fore.RESET else: result = Fore.RED + '[FAILED]' + Fore.RESET width = terminal.get_terminal_width() hline = '-' * 80 print Fore.YELLOW + hline + Fore.RESET fstring = "{0}{1:<" + str(width-10) + "}{2} {3:>9}" print fstring.format( Fore.YELLOW, (self.desc or 'None'), Fore.WHITE, result ) print "{0}".format(self.title) print "{0}".format(repr(self))
[docs] def destroy(self): pass
[docs]class TestSuiteBase(RunnableTest): """ Object representing a full runnable Test Suite on a single entity """ def __init__(self): super(TestSuiteBase, self).__init__() self._tests = [] self._prep = []
[docs] def add_prep(self, prep): assert isinstance(prep, TestPrepBase) prep.parent = self self._prep.append(prep)
[docs] def add_test(self, test): test.parent = self self._tests.append(test)
[docs] def run_test(self): logger.debug("Running Test Suite : " + repr(self)) for prep in self._prep: prep.run_prep() for test in self._tests: test.run_test()
@property def passed(self): rval = True for test in self._tests: if test.passed is False: rval = False return rval
[docs] def render(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def render_dox(self): suite_dict = { 'desc': self.desc, 'title': self.title, 'ts': self.ts.format(), 'passed': ('PASSED' if self.passed is True else 'FAILED'), 'tests': [x.render_dox() for x in self._tests] } return suite_dict
[docs] def finish(self): for test in self._tests: test.finish() width = terminal.get_terminal_width() hline = '-' * width hcolor = Fore.CYAN print hcolor + hline + Fore.RESET if self.passed is True: result = Fore.GREEN + '[PASSED]' + Fore.RESET else: result = Fore.RED + '[FAILED]' + Fore.RESET fstring = "{0}{1:<" + str(width-10) + "}{2} {3:>9}" print fstring.format( hcolor, (self.desc or 'None'), Fore.WHITE, result ) print "{0}{1}{2}".format(hcolor, repr(self), Fore.RESET) print hcolor + hline + Fore.RESET
[docs] def destroy(self): for test in self._tests: test.destroy()
@property def tests(self): return self._tests @property def test_descs(self): return [x.desc for x in self._tests]
[docs] def get_test_by_desc(self, desc): for test in self._tests: if test.desc == desc: return test