Source code for tendril.sourcing.vendors

# Copyright (C) 2015 Chintalagiri Shashank
# This file is part of Tendril.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
Vendors module documentation (:mod:`tendril.sourcing.vendors`)

import os
import csv
import time
import warnings

from collections import namedtuple
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
from six.moves.urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError
from cachetools import LFUCache

from tendril.entityhub.maps import MapFileBase
from tendril.utils.types import currency
from tendril.utils import config
from tendril.utils.db import get_session
from tendril.utils.config import VENDOR_DEFAULT_MAXAGE

from db import controller

from tendril.utils import log
logger = log.get_logger(__name__, log.INFO)

#: A :class:`collections.namedtuple` used internally to pass
#: around (sub)search results conveniently.
SearchResult = namedtuple('SearchResult', 'success parts strategy')

#: A :class:`collections.namedtuple` used internally to pass
#: around part data conveniently.
SearchPart = namedtuple('SearchPart',
                        'pno, mfgpno, package, ns, unitp,  minqty, raw')

#: A :class:`collections.namedtuple` used internally to pass
#: around sourcing information for a single ident from a single
#: vendor at a specified quantity.
SourcingInfo = namedtuple(
    'vobj, vpart, oqty, nbprice, ubprice, effprice, urationale, olduprice'

[docs]class VendorPartRetrievalError(Exception): pass
[docs]class VendorPartPricingError(Exception): pass
[docs]class DBPartDataUnusable(Exception): pass
[docs]class DBPartDataExpired(DBPartDataUnusable): pass
[docs]class DBPartDataIncomplete(DBPartDataUnusable): pass
[docs]class DBPartDataUnavailable(DBPartDataUnusable): pass
[docs]class VendorMapFileDB(MapFileBase): def __init__(self, vendor): self._vendor = vendor self._vendor_name = vendor.cname super(VendorMapFileDB, self).__init__(self._vendor.mappath)
[docs] def length(self): return controller.get_vendor_map_length(vendor=self._vendor_name)
[docs] def get_user_map(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_idents(self): return [x.ident for x in controller.get_vendor_idents(vendor=self._vendor_name)]
[docs] def get_map_time(self, canonical): return controller.get_time(vendor=self._vendor_name, ident=canonical)
[docs] def get_canonical(self, partno): return controller.get_ident(vendor=self._vendor_name, vpno=partno)
[docs] def get_apartnos(self, canonical): return controller.get_amap_vpnos(vendor=self._vendor_name, ident=canonical)
[docs] def get_upartnos(self, canonical): return controller.get_umap_vpnos(vendor=self._vendor_name, ident=canonical)
[docs] def get_strategy(self, canonical): return controller.get_strategy(vendor=self._vendor_name, ident=canonical)
[docs] def remove_apartno(self, partno, canonical): return controller.remove_amap_vpno( vendor=self._vendor_name, ident=canonical, vpno=partno )
[docs]class VendorInvoiceLine(object): def __init__(self, invoice, ident, vpno, unitp, qty, desc=None): self._invoice = invoice self._ident = ident self._vpno = vpno self._unitp = unitp self._qty = qty self._desc = desc @property def desc(self): return self._desc @property def ident(self): return self._ident @property def vpno(self): return self._vpno @property def unitprice(self): return self._unitp @property def extendedprice(self): return currency.CurrencyValue(self._unitp._val * self._qty, self._unitp._currency_def) @property def effectiveprice(self): return self.extendedprice @property def qty(self): return self._qty
[docs]class VendorInvoice(object): def __init__(self, vendor, inv_no, inv_date): self._vendor = vendor self._inv_no = inv_no self._inv_date = inv_date self._lines = [] if self._linetype is None: self._linetype = VendorInvoiceLine self._acquire_lines() @property def vendor_name(self): return @property def currency(self): return self._vendor.currency @property def inv_no(self): return self._inv_no @property def inv_date(self): return self._inv_date @property def linecount(self): return len(self._lines) @property def lines(self): return self._lines @property def extendedtotal(self): return sum([x.extendedprice for x in self._lines]) @property def effectivetotal(self): return sum([x.effectiveprice for x in self._lines])
[docs] def _acquire_lines(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class VendorOrder(object): def __init__(self, vendor, orderref): self._vendor = vendor self._lines = [] self._basecost = self._vendor.order_baseprice self._orderref = orderref
[docs] def add(self, line): self._lines.append(line)
def __len__(self): return len(self._lines) @property def lines(self): return self._lines @property def orderref(self): return self._orderref
[docs]class VendorPrice(object): def __init__(self, moq, price, currency_def, oqmultiple=1): self._moq = moq self._price = currency.CurrencyValue(price, currency_def) self._oqmulitple = oqmultiple @property def moq(self): return self._moq @property def oqmultiple(self): return self._oqmulitple @property def unit_price(self): return self._price
[docs] def extended_price(self, qty, allow_partial=False): if not allow_partial: if qty < self.moq: raise ValueError if qty % self.oqmultiple != 0: pass return currency.CurrencyValue(self.unit_price._val * qty, self.unit_price._currency_def)
@property def exch_rate(self): return self.unit_price.exch_rate @property def is_foreign(self): return self.unit_price.is_foreign def __repr__(self): return '<VendorPrice {2} @{0}({1})>'.format( self.moq, self.oqmultiple, self.unit_price)
[docs]class VendorPartBase(object): def __init__(self, vpno, ident, vendor, max_age=VENDOR_DEFAULT_MAXAGE, shell_only=False): self._vpno = vpno self._vqtyavail = None self._manufacturer = None self._mpartno = None self._vpartdesc = None self._vparturl = None self._canonical_repr = ident self._prices = [] self._vendor = vendor self._pkgqty = 1 self._last_updated = None if shell_only is False: self._populate(max_age)
[docs] def _populate(self, max_age=VENDOR_DEFAULT_MAXAGE): if self._vendor is not None and self._canonical_repr is not None: with get_session() as s: try: self.load_from_db(max_age, s) return except DBPartDataUnusable: self._get_data() try: self.commit(s) except NoResultFound: pass else: self._get_data()
[docs] def commit(self, session=None): if session is None: with get_session() as s: self._commit_to_db(session=s) else: self._commit_to_db(session=session)
[docs] def _commit_to_db(self, session): vpno = controller.get_vpno_obj( vendor=self._vendor.cname, ident=self._canonical_repr, vpno=self._vpno, session=session ) controller.populate_vpart_detail( vpno=vpno, vpart=self, session=session ) controller.populate_vpart_prices( vpno=vpno, vpart=self, session=session ) return vpno
[docs] def load_from_db(self, max_age, session=None): if session is None: with get_session() as s: self._load_from_db(max_age, session=s) else: self._load_from_db(max_age, session=session)
[docs] def _load_from_db(self, max_age, session, expired_is_error=False): try: vpno = controller.get_vpno_obj( vendor=self._vendor.cname, ident=self._canonical_repr, vpno=self._vpno, session=session ) data_ts = vpno.updated_at.timestamp now = time.time() if now - data_ts > max_age >= 0: # TODO Populate part anyway here, and use sourcing maintenance # queue to refresh in the background. raise DBPartDataExpired self._vqtyavail = vpno.detail.vqtyavail self._manufacturer = vpno.detail.manufacturer self._mpartno = vpno.detail.mpartno self._vpartdesc = vpno.detail.vpartdesc self._pkgqty = vpno.detail.pkgqty self._last_updated = vpno.updated_at self._vparturl = vpno.detail.vparturl for price in vpno.prices: self.add_price( VendorPrice(int(price.moq), float(price.price), self._vendor.currency, int(price.oqmultiple)) ) return vpno except NoResultFound: raise DBPartDataUnavailable except AttributeError: raise DBPartDataIncomplete
[docs] def _get_data(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def add_price(self, price): self._prices.append(price)
@property def last_updated(self): return self._last_updated @property def vpno(self): return self._vpno @vpno.setter def vpno(self, value): self._vpno = value @property def vqtyavail(self): return self._vqtyavail @vqtyavail.setter def vqtyavail(self, value): self._vqtyavail = value @property def vparturl(self): return self._vparturl @vparturl.setter def vparturl(self, value): self._vparturl = value @property def manufacturer(self): if self._manufacturer is not None: return self._manufacturer elif self._vendor.is_manufacturer: return @manufacturer.setter def manufacturer(self, value): self._manufacturer = value @property def mpartno(self): if self._mpartno is not None: return self._mpartno elif self._vendor.is_manufacturer: return self._vpno @mpartno.setter def mpartno(self, value): self._mpartno = value @property def vpartdesc(self): return self._vpartdesc @vpartdesc.setter def vpartdesc(self, value): self._vpartdesc = value @property def ident(self): return self._canonical_repr @property def pkgqty(self): return self._pkgqty @pkgqty.setter def pkgqty(self, value): self._pkgqty = value @property def abs_moq(self): if len(self._prices) == 0: return 0 rval = self._prices[0].moq for price in self._prices: if price.moq < rval: rval = price.moq return rval @property def vpart_url(self): return None @property def prices(self): return sorted(self._prices, key=lambda x: x.moq)
[docs] def _get_additional_rates(self): rval = [] for additional_cost in self._vendor.additional_costs: if additional_cost[0] == 'Customs': from .customs import hs_classifier hs = hs_classifier.hs_from_ident(self._canonical_repr) if hs: rval.append(('Customs', hs.effective_rate)) else: rval.append(additional_cost) else: rval.append(additional_cost) return rval
[docs] def _get_additional_price_components(self, price): ars = self._get_additional_rates() return [(x[0], x[1], price.unit_price * (float(x[1]) / 100)) for x in ars]
[docs] def _get_effective_price(self, price): effective_unitp = price.unit_price aps = self._get_additional_price_components(price) for component in aps: effective_unitp += component[2] return VendorPrice( price.moq, effective_unitp.source_value, self._vendor.currency, price.oqmultiple )
[docs] def get_effective_price(self, price): try: return self._get_effective_price(price) except: raise VendorPartPricingError(, self.vpno)
@property def effective_prices(self): return [self._get_effective_price(x) for x in self.prices] @property def detailed_prices(self): return [(x, self._get_additional_price_components(x), self._get_effective_price(x)) for x in self.prices]
[docs] def get_price(self, qty): rprice = None rnextprice = None for price in self._prices: if price.moq <= qty: if rprice is not None: if price.moq > rprice.moq: rprice = price else: rprice = price if price.moq > qty: if rnextprice is not None: if price.moq < rnextprice.moq: rnextprice = price else: rnextprice = price return rprice, rnextprice
def __repr__(self): return '<{0} {1} {2}>'.format( self.__class__, self.vpno, str(self._vpartdesc) )
[docs]class VendorElnPartBase(VendorPartBase): def __init__(self, vpno, ident, vendor, max_age, shell_only=False): self._package = None self._datasheet = None super(VendorElnPartBase, self).__init__(vpno, ident, vendor, max_age, shell_only=shell_only)
[docs] def _commit_to_db(self, session): vpno = super(VendorElnPartBase, self)._commit_to_db(session=session) controller.populate_vpart_detail_eln( vpno=vpno, vpart=self, session=session ) return vpno
[docs] def _load_from_db(self, max_age, session, expired_is_error=False): vpno = super(VendorElnPartBase, self)._load_from_db(max_age, session=session) if vpno is not None: self._package = vpno.detail_eln.package self._datasheet = vpno.detail_eln.datasheet
[docs] def _get_data(self): raise NotImplementedError
@property def package(self): return self._package @package.setter def package(self, value): self._package = value @property def datasheet(self): return self._datasheet @datasheet.setter def datasheet(self, value): self._datasheet = value
[docs]class VendorBase(object): _vendorlogo = None _partclass = VendorPartBase _invoiceclass = VendorInvoice _type = 'BASE' _url_base = None def __init__(self, name, dname, pclass, mappath=None, currency_code=config.BASE_CURRENCY, currency_symbol=config.BASE_CURRENCY_SYMBOL, vendorlogo=None, sname=None, is_manufacturer=None, vtype=None): self._name = name self._dname = dname self._sname = sname self._instance_vendorlogo = vendorlogo self._is_manufacturer = is_manufacturer self._currency = currency.CurrencyDefinition(currency_code, currency_symbol) self._vtype = vtype self._pclass = pclass self._order = None self._orderbasecosts = [] self._orderadditionalcosts = [] self._partcache = LFUCache(1000) if mappath is not None: self._mappath = mappath else: self._mappath = self._name + '-' + self._pclass + '.csv' self._map = VendorMapFileDB(self) @property def name(self): if self._dname is not None: return self._dname else: return self._name @property def sname(self): if self._sname is not None: return self._sname else: return self._name @property def cname(self): return self._name @property def pclass(self): return self._pclass @property def type(self): return self._type @property def is_manufacturer(self): if self._is_manufacturer is None: return False return self._is_manufacturer @property def mappath(self): return self._mappath @property def map(self): return self._map @property def currency(self): return self._currency @currency.setter def currency(self, currency_def): """ :type currency_def: utils.currency.CurrencyDefinition """ self._currency = currency_def @property def additional_costs(self): return self._orderadditionalcosts @property def logo(self): if self._instance_vendorlogo is not None: return self._instance_vendorlogo return self._vendorlogo @property def url_base(self): try: return self._url_base except AttributeError: return None
[docs] def get_idents(self): for ident in self._map.get_idents(): yield ident
[docs] def get_all_vpnos(self): for ident in self.get_idents(): for vpno in self._map.get_all_partnos(ident): yield ident, vpno
[docs] def get_all_vparts(self, max_age=VENDOR_DEFAULT_MAXAGE): for ident, vpno in self.get_all_vpnos(): yield self.get_vpart(vpartno=vpno, ident=ident, max_age=max_age)
[docs] def get_vpnos(self, ident, max_age=VENDOR_DEFAULT_MAXAGE): acquire = False mtime = self._map.get_map_time(canonical=ident) if max_age > 0: now = time.time() if not mtime or now - mtime > max_age: acquire = True elif max_age == 0 or mtime is None: acquire = True if acquire is True: # TODO Pass on request to vendor maintenance queue instead try: vpnos, strategy = self.search_vpnos(ident) if not vpnos: vpnos = [] with get_session() as session: controller.set_strategy(vendor=self._name, ident=ident, strategy=strategy, session=session) controller.set_amap_vpnos(vendor=self._name, ident=ident, vpnos=vpnos, session=session) except (NotImplementedError, URLError, HTTPError): pass return self._map.get_partnos(ident)
[docs] def search_vpnos(self, ident): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_vpart(self, vpartno, ident=None, max_age=VENDOR_DEFAULT_MAXAGE): idx = (vpartno, ident) if idx not in self._partcache.keys(): part = self._partclass(vpartno, ident=ident, vendor=self, max_age=max_age) self._partcache[idx] = part return self._partcache[idx]
[docs] def _get_candidate_tcost(candidate, oqty): ubprice, nbprice = candidate.get_price(oqty) effprice = candidate.get_effective_price(ubprice) return effprice.extended_price(oqty).native_value
[docs] def _get_candidate_isinfo(self, candidate, oqty): tcost = self._get_candidate_tcost(candidate, oqty) ubprice, nbprice = candidate.get_price(oqty) effprice = candidate.get_effective_price(ubprice) urationale = None olduprice = None if nbprice is not None: nubprice, nnbprice = candidate.get_price(nbprice.moq) neffprice = candidate.get_effective_price(nubprice) ntcost = neffprice.extended_price(nbprice.moq).native_value # bump_excess_qty = nubprice.moq - rqty if ntcost < tcost * 1.4: urationale = "TC Increase < 40%" oqty = nbprice.moq olduprice = ubprice ubprice = nubprice nbprice = nnbprice effprice = neffprice elif nubprice.unit_price.native_value < \ ubprice.unit_price.native_value * 0.5: urationale = "UP Decrease > 40%" olduprice = ubprice oqty = nbprice.moq ubprice = nubprice nbprice = nnbprice effprice = neffprice return SourcingInfo(self, candidate, oqty, nbprice, ubprice, effprice, urationale, olduprice)
[docs] def get_optimal_pricing(self, ident, rqty, get_all=False): candidate_names = self.get_vpnos(ident) candidates = [self.get_vpart(x, ident=ident) for x in candidate_names] candidates = [x for x in candidates if x.abs_moq <= rqty] candidates = [x for x in candidates if x.vqtyavail is None or x.vqtyavail > rqty or x.vqtyavail == -2] oqty = rqty if len(candidates) == 0: if not get_all: return SourcingInfo(self, None, None, None, None, None, None, None) else: return [] if get_all: return [self._get_candidate_isinfo(x, oqty) for x in candidates] tcost = None idx = 0 while not tcost: selcandidate = candidates[idx] try: tcost = selcandidate.get_effective_price( selcandidate.get_price(rqty)[0] ).extended_price(rqty).native_value except VendorPartPricingError: logger.error("Unable to price part {0}" "".format(selcandidate.vpno)) idx += 1 except IndexError: if not get_all: return SourcingInfo(self, None, None, None, None, None, None, None) else: return [] selcandidate = None for candidate in candidates: try: ntcost = self._get_candidate_tcost(candidate, oqty) except VendorPartPricingError: continue if ntcost <= tcost: tcost = ntcost selcandidate = candidate if selcandidate.vqtyavail == -2: logger.warning( "Vendor available quantity could not be confirmed. " "Verify manually : " + + " " + selcandidate.vpno + os.linesep + os.linesep + os.linesep ) return self._get_candidate_isinfo(selcandidate, oqty)
[docs] def add_order_additional_cost_component(self, desc, percent): self._orderadditionalcosts.append((desc, percent))
[docs] def get_effective_price(self, price): warnings.warn("Deprecated access of VendorBase.get_effective_price. " "Use VendorPartBase.get_effective_price instead.", DeprecationWarning) effective_unitp = price.unit_price.source_value for additional_cost in self._orderadditionalcosts: effective_unitp += price.unit_price.source_value * \ float(additional_cost[1]) / 100 return VendorPrice( price.moq, effective_unitp, self.currency, price.oqmultiple )
[docs] def get_additional_costs(self, price): rval = [] for desc, percent in self._orderadditionalcosts: rval.append((desc, price.source_value * percent / 100)) return rval
@property def order_baseprice(self): t = 0 for price in self._orderbasecosts: t += price[1].native_value return currency.CurrencyValue(t, currency.native_currency_defn)
[docs] def add_order_baseprice_component(self, desc, value): if isinstance(value, currency.CurrencyValue): self._orderbasecosts.append((desc, value)) else: self._orderbasecosts.append( (desc, currency.CurrencyValue(value, self.currency)) )
[docs] def add_to_order(self, line, orderref=None): if self._order is None: self._order = VendorOrder(self, orderref)"Adding to " + self._name + " order : " + line[0] + " : " + str(line[3]) ) self._order.add(line)
[docs] def _dump_open_order(self, path): orderfile = os.path.join(path, self._name + '-order.csv') with open(orderfile, 'w') as orderf: w = csv.writer(orderf) w.writerow( [self._dname + " Order", None, None, None, None, time.strftime("%c")] ) w.writerow( ["Ident", "Vendor Part No", "Quantity", "Unit Price (" + self._currency.symbol + ")", "Extended Price (" + self._currency.symbol + ")", "Effective Price (" + currency.native_currency_defn.symbol + ")" ] ) for line in self._order.lines: w.writerow([line[0], line[2], line[3], line[5].unit_price.source_value, line[5].extended_price(line[3]).source_value, line[6].extended_price(line[3]).native_value]) for basecost in self._orderbasecosts: w.writerow( [None, basecost[0], None, None, basecost[1].source_value, basecost[1].native_value] )
[docs] def _generate_purchase_order(self, path): stagebase = {} return stagebase
[docs] def finalize_order(self, path): if self._order is None or len(self._order) == 0: logger.debug("Nothing in the order, " "not generating order file : " + self._name) return"Writing " + self._dname + " order to Folder : " + path) self._dump_open_order(path) self._generate_purchase_order(path) self._order = None
# Filter Functions from Digikey and TI Vendor implementations @staticmethod
[docs] def _filter_results_unfiltered(parts): """ Given a list of :class:`.vendors.SearchPart` instances, returns a :class:`.vendors.SearchResult` instance, whose ``parts`` attribute includes a list of part numbers. If any of the part numbers are not listed as Non-Stocked, only the Stocked results are returned along with the strategy ``UNFILTERED``. If all of the part numbers are listed as Non-Stocked, then all the part numbers are returned with the strategy ``UNFILTERED_ALLOW_NS``. :type parts: list of :class:`.vendors.SearchPart` :rtype: :class:`.vendors.SearchResult` """ pnos = [] strategy = 'UNFILTERED' for part in parts: if not part.ns: pnos.append(part.pno) if len(pnos) == 0: strategy += '_ALLOW_NS' for part in parts: pnos.append(part.pno) return SearchResult(True, pnos, strategy)
[docs] def _find_exact_match_package(parts, value): """ Given a list of :class:`.vendors.SearchPart` instances and a known value, returns a :class:`.vendors.SearchResult` instance, whose ``parts`` attribute includes only the package of the part whose manufacturer part number (``mfgpno``) exactly matches the given value, if such an exact match can be found. The :class:`.vendors.SearchResult` returned on success has it's strategy attribute set to ``EXACT_MATCH_FFP``. :type parts: list of :class:`.vendors.SearchPart` :type value: str :rtype: :class:`.vendors.SearchResult` """ for part in parts: if part.mfgpno == value: return SearchResult(True, part.package, 'EXACT_MATCH_FFP') return SearchResult(False, None, None)
[docs] def _find_consensus_package(parts): """ Given a list of :class:`.vendors.SearchPart` instances, returns a :class:`.vendors.SearchResult` instance, whose 'parts' attribute includes only the consensus package of all the parts in the provided list, if such a consensus can be reached. The :class:`.vendors.SearchResult` returned on success has it's strategy attribute set to ``CONSENSUS_FP_MATCH``. :type parts: list of :class:`.vendors.SearchPart` :rtype: :class:`.vendors.SearchResult` """ cpackage = parts[0].package for part in parts: if part.package != cpackage: cpackage = None if cpackage is not None: return SearchResult(True, cpackage, 'CONSENSUS_FP_MATCH') return SearchResult(False, None, None)
[docs] def _filter_results_bycpackage(parts, cpackage, strategy): """ Given a list of :class:`.vendors.SearchPart` instances, and a consensus package string, returns a :class:`.vendors.SearchResult` instance, whose ``parts`` attribute includes the part numbers of all the parts in the provided list whose package attribute matches the consensus package. When used in the correct context, this function uses cpackage instead of the original footprint. cpackage is itself extracted from the result table, and therefore greatly decreases (though not eliminates) the odds of false negatives. A strategy is accepted as the third argument to this function, and is returned within the :class:`.vendors.SearchResult`, with modification to append ``_ALLOW_NS`` if necessary. :type parts: list of :class:`.vendors.SearchPart` :param cpackage: A consensus or exact match package. :type cpackage: str :type strategy: str :rtype: :class:`.vendors.SearchResult` """ pnos = [] for part in parts: if part.package == cpackage: if not part.ns: pnos.append(part.pno) if len(pnos) == 0: strategy += '_ALLOW_NS' for part in parts: if part.package == cpackage: pnos.append(part.pno) return SearchResult(True, pnos, strategy)
[docs] def _filter_results_byfootprint(parts, footprint): """ Given a list of :class:`.vendors.SearchPart` instances and the target footprint, returns a :class:`.vendors.SearchResult` instance, whose ``parts`` attribute includes part numbers for all parts in the provided list whose package attribute contains the provided footprint. This is a last ditch effort. Due to the diversity in package nomenclature, this has a very low likelihood of success without an exceptionally well curated symbol library. The :class:`.vendors.SearchResult` returned on success has it's strategy attribute set to ``NAIVE_FP_MATCH`` or ``NAIVE_FP_MATCH_ALLOW_NS``. :type parts: list of :class:`.vendors.SearchPart` :type footprint: str :rtype: :class:`.vendors.SearchResult` """ pnos = [] strategy = 'NAIVE_FP_MATCH' if isinstance(footprint, list): for part in parts: if part.package in footprint: if not part.ns: pnos.append(part.pno) if len(pnos) == 0: strategy += '_ALLOW_NS' for part in parts: if part.package in footprint: pnos.append(part.pno) else: for part in parts: if footprint in part.package: if not part.ns: pnos.append(part.pno) if len(pnos) == 0: strategy += ' ALLOW NS' for part in parts: if footprint in part.package: pnos.append(part.pno) return SearchResult(True, pnos, strategy)
[docs] def _filter_results(self, parts, value, footprint): """ Given a list of :class:`.vendors.SearchPart`, and the target value and footprint, returns a :class:`.vendors.SearchResult` instance, whose ``parts`` attribute includes part numbers for all parts in the provided list matching the required value and footprint. The filtering is done in the following sequence : - If the first part in ``parts`` contains no package information or the provided target ``footprint`` is ``None``, then filtering is done solely using :func:`_filter_results_unfiltered`. - If an exact match package (:func:`_find_exact_match_package`) or consensus package (:func:`_find_consensus_package`) is found, it is used as ``cpackage`` and filtered using :func:`_filter_results_bycpackage`. - If none of the previous conditions were met, :func:`_filter_results_byfootprint` is used. The returned :class:`.vendors.SearchResult` instance always has its ``status`` attribute set to ``True``, and the ``strategy`` attribute is passed along unmodified from the inner filter function. """ if parts[0].package is None or footprint is None: # No package, so no basis to filter sr = self._filter_results_unfiltered(parts) return SearchResult(True,, sr.strategy) # Find Exact Match Package sr = self._find_exact_match_package(parts, value) cpackage = strategy = sr.strategy if sr.success is False: # Did not find an exact match package. # Check for consensus package instead. sr = self._find_consensus_package(parts) cpackage = strategy = sr.strategy if sr.success is False: # No exact match, no consensus on package sr = self._filter_results_byfootprint(parts, footprint) return SearchResult(True,, sr.strategy) # cpackage exists sr = self._filter_results_bycpackage(parts, cpackage, strategy) if len( == 0: pnos = None else: pnos = return SearchResult(True, pnos, sr.strategy)
[docs] def _remove_duplicates(parts): """ Given a list of :class:`.vendors.SearchPart` instances, this function removes any duplicates that may have crept in. In this case, the necessary and sufficient condition for two :class:`.vendors.SearchPart` instances to be duplicates of each other is that they have the same vendor part number (``pno``). """ vpnos = [] for part in parts: if part.pno in vpnos: parts.pop(part) else: vpnos.append(part.pno) return parts
[docs] def _process_results(self, parts, value, footprint): """ Processes a list of :class:`.vendors.SearchPart` instances, using :func:`_remove_duplicates` and :func:`_filter_results`, and returns the :class:`.vendors.SearchResult` instance returned by :func:`_filter_results`. """ parts = self._remove_duplicates(parts) return self._filter_results(parts, value, footprint)