Source code for tendril.sourcing.orders

# Copyright (C) 2015 Chintalagiri Shashank
# This file is part of Tendril.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
This file is part of tendril
See the COPYING, README, and INSTALL files for more information

import csv
import copy
import os

from tendril.gedaif import gsymlib
from tendril.inventory import guidelines

from tendril.utils import log
logger = log.get_logger(__name__, log.DEFAULT)

[docs]class CompositeOrderElem(object): def __init__(self, order, ident, rqty, shortage): self._order = order self._ident = ident self._rqty = rqty self._resqty = rqty - shortage self._shortage = shortage # TODO # Have a module level order instance here instead of leaving it to # sourcing.electronics, and get rid of this circular import problem. from tendril.sourcing import electronics try: self._sources = electronics.get_sourcing_information( # noqa self.ident, self.gl_compl_qty, avendors=self._order._allowed_vendors, allvendors=True ) self._selsource = self._sources[0] for vsinfo in self._sources: if self.get_eff_acq_price(vsinfo) < \ self.get_eff_acq_price(self._selsource): self._selsource = vsinfo except electronics.SourcingException: # noqa self._sources = None self._selsource = None
[docs] def get_eff_acq_price(self, source): return (self._shortage + (source.oqty - self._shortage)/2) * \ source.effprice.unit_price.native_value
@property def ident(self): return self._ident @property def in_gsymlib(self): if gsymlib.is_recognized(self.ident): return "YES" return None @property def rqty(self): return self._rqty @property def resqty(self): return self._resqty @property def shortage(self): return self._shortage @property def gl_compl_qty(self): return guidelines.electronics_qty.get_compliant_qty( self.ident, self.shortage ) @property def sources(self): return self._sources @property def selsource(self): return self._selsource # vobj, vpart, oqty, nbprice, ubprice, effprice @property def sorted_other_sources(self): return sorted( self.other_sources, key=lambda x: x.effprice.extended_price(x.oqty).native_value ) @property def other_sources(self): if self._sources is not None: return [x for x in self._sources if x[0].name != self._selsource[0].name] else: return []
[docs] def excess(self, vsinfo): return vsinfo.effprice.extended_price(vsinfo.oqty).native_value - \ self._selsource.effprice.extended_price(self._selsource.qty).native_value # noqa
@property def is_sourceable(self): if self._sources is not None and len(self._sources) > 0: return True else: return False
[docs] def order(self): vobj = self._selsource[0] vobj.add_to_order( [self.ident] + list(self._selsource), self._order.orderref )
def __repr__(self): return str((self.ident, self.is_sourceable, self.selsource, len(self.other_sources))) + os.linesep
[docs]class CompositeOrder(object): _columns = [("Component Details", [("Ident", None), ("In gsymlib", None)]), ("Requirement", [("Required", "Qty"), ("Reserved", "Qty"), ("Shortage", "Qty")]), ("Guideline Compliant", [("Buy Qty", "Qty")]), ("Order Details", [("Vendor", None), ("Vendor Part No", None), ("Manufacturer", None), ("Manufacturer Part No", None), ("Description", None)]), ("Vendor Pricing", [("Vendor Currency", None), ("Next Break Qty", "Qty"), ("NB Unit Price", "(VC)"), ("NB Extended Price", "(VC)"), ("Used Break Qty", "(VC)"), ("UB Unit Price", "(VC)"), ("UB Extended Price", "(VC)")]), ("Order Pricing", [("Lower Break Unit Price", "INR"), ("Unit Price", "INR"), ("Effective Unit Price", "INR"), ("Order Qty", "Qty"), ("Excess Qty", "Qty"), ("Effective Extended Price", "INR"), ("Effective Excess Price", "INR"), ("Excess Rationale", None)]) ] def __init__(self, vendor_list=None, orderref=None): self._allowed_vendors = vendor_list self._orderref = orderref self._lines = [] @property def orderref(self): return self._orderref
[docs] def add(self, ident, rqty, shortage, orderref=None): if self._orderref is not None and self._orderref != orderref: logger.warning("Overwriting order reference to " + orderref + " from " + self._orderref) self._orderref = orderref self._lines.append(CompositeOrderElem(self, ident, rqty, shortage)) return self._lines[-1].is_sourceable
[docs] def _get_headers(self, row): rval = [] if row == 0: for section in self._columns: rval.append(section[0]) rval.extend([None] * (len(section[1]) - 1)) return rval else: for section in self._columns: for item in section[1]: rval.append(item[row - 1]) return rval
[docs] def _render_vsinfo(self, vsinfo, row, basereq=None): vobj, vpno, oqty, nbprice, ubprice, effprice, urationale, olduprice = vsinfo # noqa if basereq is None: basereq = oqty headers = self._get_headers(1) row[headers.index("Vendor")] = row[headers.index("Vendor Part No")] = vpno vpobj = vobj.get_vpart(vpno) row[headers.index("Manufacturer")] = vpobj.manufacturer row[headers.index("Manufacturer Part No")] = vpobj.mpartno row[headers.index("Description")] = vpobj.vpartdesc row[headers.index("Vendor Currency")] = vobj.currency.symbol row[headers.index("Order Qty")] = oqty row[headers.index("Excess Qty")] = oqty - basereq if nbprice is not None: row[headers.index("Next Break Qty")] = nbprice.moq row[headers.index("NB Unit Price")] = nbprice.unit_price.source_value # noqa row[headers.index("NB Extended Price")] = nbprice.extended_price(nbprice.moq).source_value # noqa if ubprice is not None: row[headers.index("Used Break Qty")] = ubprice.moq row[headers.index("UB Unit Price")] = ubprice.unit_price.source_value # noqa row[headers.index("UB Extended Price")] = ubprice.extended_price(oqty).source_value # noqa row[headers.index("Unit Price")] = "%.2f" % ubprice.unit_price.native_value # noqa if effprice is not None: row[headers.index("Effective Unit Price")] = "%.2f" % effprice.unit_price.native_value # noqa row[headers.index("Effective Extended Price")] = "%.2f" % effprice.extended_price(oqty).native_value # noqa row[headers.index("Effective Excess Price")] = "%.2f" % ((oqty - basereq) * effprice.unit_price.native_value) # noqa if olduprice is not None: row[headers.index("Lower Break Unit Price")] = "%.2f" % olduprice.unit_price.native_value # noqa row[headers.index("Excess Rationale")] = urationale return row
[docs] def _render_line(self, line, writer, include_others): assert isinstance(line, CompositeOrderElem) headers = self._get_headers(1) row = [None] * len(self._get_headers(1)) row[headers.index("In gsymlib")] = line.in_gsymlib row[headers.index("Ident")] = line.ident row[headers.index("Required")] = line.rqty row[headers.index("Reserved")] = line.resqty row[headers.index("Shortage")] = line.shortage row[headers.index("Buy Qty")] = line.gl_compl_qty if line.selsource is not None: row = self._render_vsinfo( line.selsource, row, basereq=line.shortage ) row.append('<--') writer.writerow(row) if include_others is True: for vsinfo in line.other_sources: row = [None] * len(self._get_headers(1)) row = self._render_vsinfo(vsinfo, row) writer.writerow(row)
[docs] def dump_to_file(self, fname, include_others=True): with open(fname, 'w') as f: w = csv.writer(f) w.writerow(self._get_headers(0)) w.writerow(self._get_headers(1)) w.writerow(self._get_headers(2)) for line in self._lines: self._render_line(line, w, include_others)
[docs] def generate_orders(self, path): for line in self._lines: if line.is_sourceable is True: line.order() for vendor in self._allowed_vendors: vendor.finalize_order(path)
[docs] def rebalance(self):"Attempting to Rebalance Order") shadowlines = copy.copy(self._lines) accepted_vendors = [] # Remove Unsourceable rebalance_pass = 0 logger.debug("Making Rebalance Pass " + str(rebalance_pass) + ": Remaining Lines : " + str(len(shadowlines))) # For some unknown reason this doesn't catch all the # unsourceable idents in the first pass for i in range(5): for line in shadowlines: if line.is_sourceable is False: logger.debug( "Accepting unsourceable line : " + line.ident + " p1." + str(i) ) shadowlines.remove(line) passes = 10 while passes > 0: passes -= 1 rebalance_pass += 1 logger.debug("Making Rebalance Pass " + str(rebalance_pass) + ": Remaining Lines : " + str(len(shadowlines))) for line in shadowlines: try: if line.selsource[0].name in accepted_vendors: logger.debug( "Accepting line sourced by standard means : " + line.ident ) shadowlines.remove(line) else: if not line.other_sources: "Accepting Vendor : " + line.selsource[0].name + " : Unique Source for " + line.ident) accepted_vendors.append(line.selsource[0].name) logger.debug( "Accepting uniquely sourced line : " + line.ident ) shadowlines.remove(line) elif line.selsource[0].order_baseprice.native_value == 0: # noqa "Accepting Vendor : " + line.selsource[0].name + " since Base Order Cost is 0" ) accepted_vendors.append(line.selsource[0].name) shadowlines.remove(line) except Exception: print line raise Exception candidate_vendors = {} while len(shadowlines) > 0: for line in shadowlines: if line.selsource[0].name not in candidate_vendors.keys(): candidate_vendors[line.selsource[0].name] = [line.selsource[0].order_baseprice, 0] # noqa vsinfo = line.sorted_other_sources[0] saving = line.excess(vsinfo) candidate_vendors[line.selsource[0].name][1] += saving if len(candidate_vendors) > 0: cvendors = sorted(candidate_vendors.keys(), key=lambda x: candidate_vendors[x][1] - candidate_vendors[x][0].native_value, # noqa reverse=True) if candidate_vendors[cvendors[0]][1] > candidate_vendors[cvendors[0]][0].native_value: # noqa"Accepting Vendor " + cvendors[0] + " for an estimated saving of " + str(candidate_vendors[cvendors[0]][1] - candidate_vendors[cvendors[0]][0].native_value)) # noqa accepted_vendors.append(cvendors[0]) else: break passes = 10 while passes > 0 and len(shadowlines) > 0: passes -= 1 rebalance_pass += 1 logger.debug("Making Rebalance Pass " + str(rebalance_pass) + ": Remaining Lines : " + str(len(shadowlines))) for line in shadowlines: try: if line.selsource[0].name in accepted_vendors: logger.debug( "Accepting line sourced by standard means: " + line.ident ) shadowlines.remove(line) except Exception: print line raise Exception # TODO Anything left which doesn't have an accepted alternate source # should trigger vendor acceptance. # TODO Anything still left should be switched to accepted sources # here."Finished all Rebalance Passes " + str(rebalance_pass) + ": Remaining Lines : " + str(len(shadowlines)))
# if len(shadowlines) > 0: # print "Unhandled Idents :" # for line in shadowlines: # print line.ident, line.selsource[0].name, len(line.other_sources) # noqa # print "Accepted Vendors :" # for vendor in accepted_vendors: # print vendor
[docs] def collapse(self): pass
order = CompositeOrder()