Source code for tendril.sourcing.customs

# Copyright (C) 2015 Chintalagiri Shashank
# This file is part of Tendril.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
This file is part of tendril
See the COPYING, README, and INSTALL files for more information

import os

import vendors
from tendril.gedaif import gsymlib
from tendril.utils.types import currency
from tendril.utils.config import CUSTOMSDEFAULTS_FOLDER

from tendril.utils.files import yml as yaml
from tendril.utils import log
logger = log.get_logger(__name__, log.DEFAULT)

[docs]class CustomsSection(object): def __init__(self, code, hsdict): self._code = code if 'name' in hsdict.keys(): self._name = hsdict['name'] else: self._name = None if 'idents' in hsdict.keys(): self._idents = hsdict['idents'] else: self._idents = None if 'folders' in hsdict.keys(): self._folders = hsdict['folders'] else: self._folders = None if 'desc' in hsdict.keys(): self._desc = hsdict['desc'] else: self._desc = None self.bcd = None self.bcd_notif = None self.cvd = None self.cvd_notif = None self.acvd = None self.acvd_notif = None self.cec = None self.cec_notif = None self.cshec = None self.cshec_notif = None self.cvdec = None self.cvdec_notif = None self.cvdshec = None self.cvdshec_notif = None if 'duties' in hsdict.keys(): self._load_duties(hsdict['duties'])
[docs] def _load_duties(self, dutiesdict): self.bcd = dutiesdict['bcd']['rate'] self.bcd_notif = dutiesdict['bcd']['notification'] self.cvd = dutiesdict['cvd']['rate'] self.cvd_notif = dutiesdict['cvd']['notification'] self.acvd = dutiesdict['acvd']['rate'] self.acvd_notif = dutiesdict['acvd']['notification'] self.cec = dutiesdict['cec']['rate'] self.cec_notif = dutiesdict['cec']['notification'] self.cshec = dutiesdict['cshec']['rate'] self.cshec_notif = dutiesdict['cshec']['notification'] self.cvdec = dutiesdict['cvdec']['rate'] self.cvdec_notif = dutiesdict['cvdec']['notification'] self.cvdshec = dutiesdict['cvdshec']['rate'] self.cvdshec_notif = dutiesdict['cvdshec']['notification']
@property def code(self): return self._code @property def name(self): return self._name @property def desc(self): return self._desc @property def idents(self): return self._idents @property def folders(self): return self._folders @property def effective_rate(self): u = 100 bcd = u * self.bcd / 100 cvd = (u + bcd) * self.cvd / 100 cvdec = cvd * self.cvdec / 100 cvdshec = cvd * self.cvdshec / 100 cshec = (bcd + cvd + cvdec + cvdshec) * self.cshec / 100 cec = (bcd + cvd + cvdec + cvdshec) * self.cec / 100 acvd = (u + bcd + cvd + cec + cshec + cvdec + cvdshec) * self.acvd / 100 return bcd + cvd + cvdec + cvdshec + cshec + cec + acvd def __repr__(self): return "{0:<15} {1}".format(self._code,
[docs]class CustomsClassifier(object): def __init__(self): self._sections = [] self._load_sections()
[docs] def _load_sections(self): hs_codes_file = os.path.join(CUSTOMSDEFAULTS_FOLDER, 'hs_codes.yaml') with open(hs_codes_file, 'r') as f: data = yaml.load(f) for section, sectiondict in data['sections'].iteritems(): self._sections.append(CustomsSection(section, sectiondict))
[docs] def hs_from_ident(self, ident): for section in self._sections: if section.idents is not None: for sign in section.idents: if sign in ident: return section rsign = '' rsec = None for section in self._sections: if section.folders is not None: for sign in section.folders: if sign in gsymlib.get_symbol_folder(ident, True): if rsign in sign: rsec = section rsign = sign return rsec
hs_classifier = CustomsClassifier()
[docs]class CustomsInvoice(vendors.VendorInvoice): def __init__(self, vendor, inv_yaml, working_folder=None): vendor_defaults_file = os.path.join(CUSTOMSDEFAULTS_FOLDER, vendor._name + '.yaml') self._data = {} if os.path.exists(vendor_defaults_file): with open(vendor_defaults_file, 'r') as f: vendor_defaults = yaml.load(f) self._data = vendor_defaults.copy() else: logger.warning("Vendor Customs Defaults File Not Found : " + vendor_defaults_file) self._source_folder = os.path.split(inv_yaml)[0] if working_folder is None: self._working_folder = self._source_folder else: self._working_folder = working_folder with open(inv_yaml, 'r') as f: inv_data = yaml.load(f) self._data.update(inv_data) self._linetype = CustomsInvoiceLine vendor.currency = currency.CurrencyDefinition( vendor.currency.code, vendor.currency.symbol, exchval=self._data['exchrate'] ) super(CustomsInvoice, self).__init__( vendor, self._data['invoice_no'], self._data['invoice_date'] ) self.freight = 0 self.insurance_pc = 0 self._includes_freight = False self._added_insurance = False self._process_other_costs() hs_codes_file = os.path.join(CUSTOMSDEFAULTS_FOLDER, 'hs_codes.yaml') with open(hs_codes_file, 'r') as f: self._hs_codes = yaml.load(f) self._sections = [] @property def given_data(self): return self._data
[docs] def _process_other_costs(self): for k, v in self._data['costs_not_included'].iteritems(): if v is False: self._data['costs_not_included'][k] = 'None' elif v == 'INCL': self._data['costs_not_included'][k] = 'None, ' \ 'included in Invoice' elif v == 'LISTED': self._data['costs_not_included'][k] = 'Listed in Invoice' else: logger.warning( "Unrecognized Other Costs definition for " + k + " : " + v ) if self._data['costs_not_included']['FREIGHT'] == 'None, included in Invoice': # noqa self.freight = currency.CurrencyValue( float(self._data['shipping_cost_incl']), self._vendor.currency ) self._data['costs_not_included']['FREIGHT'] += " ({0})".format(self.freight.source_string) # noqa self._includes_freight = True if self._data['costs_not_included']['FREIGHT'] == 'Listed in Invoice': self.freight = currency.CurrencyValue( float(self._data['shipping_cost_listed']), self._vendor.currency ) self._data['costs_not_included']['FREIGHT'] = "{0} (as listed in the invoice)".format(self.freight.source_string) # noqa self._includes_freight = True if 'insurance_pc' in self._data.keys(): self.insurance_pc = float(self._data['insurance_pc']) if self.insurance_pc > 0: self._added_insurance = True self._data['costs_not_included']['INSURANCE'] = "{0} (@{1}% {2})".format(, self.insurance_pc, self._data['insurance_note']) # noqa if 'handling_pc' in self._data.keys(): self.handling_pc = float(self._data['handling_pc']) if self.handling_pc > 0: self._added_handling = True self._data['costs_not_included']['LANDING'] = "{0} (@{1}% {2})".format(self.landing.source_string, self.handling_pc, self._data['handling_note']) # noqa
@property def insurance(self): if self.insurance_pc is not None: return self.extendedtotal * self.insurance_pc / 100 else: return self.extendedtotal * 0 @property def includes_freight(self): return self._includes_freight @property def landing(self): return self.cif * self.handling_pc / 100 @property def cif(self): return self.extendedtotal + self.freight + @property def added_insurance(self): try: return self._added_insurance except AttributeError: return False @property def added_handling(self): try: return self._added_handling except AttributeError: return False @property def source_folder(self): return self._source_folder @property def working_folder(self): return self._working_folder @property def source_files(self): rval = [(os.path.join(self._source_folder, 'inv_data.yaml'), 'INVOICE-DATA-YAML'), # noqa (os.path.join(self._source_folder, self._data['invoice_file']), 'INVOICE-FILE-CSV')] # noqa return rval @property def idxs(self): return [x.idx for x in self._lines]
[docs] def _acquire_lines(self): raise NotImplementedError
@property def hssections(self): rval = [] for line in self._lines: if line.hs_section is None: continue if line.hs_section not in rval: rval.append(line.hs_section) return sorted(rval, key=lambda x: x.code)
[docs] def getsection_lines(self, hssection): rval = [] for line in self._lines: if line.hs_section == hssection: rval.append(line) return rval
[docs] def getsection_idxs(self, hssection): rval = [] for line in self.getsection_lines(hssection): rval.append(line.idx) return rval
[docs] def getsection_qty(self, hssection): rval = 0 for line in self.getsection_lines(hssection): rval += line.qty return rval
[docs] def getsection_assessabletotal(self, hssection): rval = 0 for line in self.getsection_lines(hssection): rval += line.assessableprice return rval
@property def unclassified(self): rval = [] for line in self._lines: if line.hs_section is None: rval.append(line) return rval @property def assessabletotal(self): return sum([x.assessableprice for x in self._lines]) @property def bcd(self): return sum([x.bcd.value for x in self.lines]) @property def cvd(self): return sum([x.cvd.value for x in self.lines]) @property def cec(self): return sum([x.cec.value for x in self.lines]) @property def cshec(self): return sum([x.cshec.value for x in self.lines]) @property def cvdec(self): return sum([x.cvdec.value for x in self.lines]) @property def cvdshec(self): return sum([x.cvdshec.value for x in self.lines]) @property def acvd(self): return sum([x.acvd.value for x in self.lines]) @property def dutypayable(self): return self.bcd + self.cvd + self.cec + self.cshec + self.cvdec + self.cvdshec + self.acvd # noqa @property def effectiverate_cif(self): return (self.dutypayable / self.assessabletotal) * 100 @property def effectiverate_fob(self): return (self.dutypayable / self.extendedtotal) * 100
[docs]class DutyComponent(object): def __init__(self, title, rate, notification, value): self.title = title self.rate = rate self.notification = notification self.value = value def __repr__(self): return "{0:>50} (@{1:>5}%) : {2:>13} Notification : {3}".format( self.title, self.rate, self.value.native_string, self.notification )
[docs]class CustomsInvoiceLine(vendors.VendorInvoiceLine): def __init__(self, invoice, ident, vpno, unitp, qty, idx=None, desc=None): if idx is None: idx = max(invoice.idxs) + 1 super(CustomsInvoiceLine, self).__init__( invoice, ident, vpno, unitp, qty, desc=desc ) if idx in invoice.idxs: raise ValueError self._idx = idx @property def dutypayable(self): return self.bcd.value + self.cvd.value + self.cec.value + \ self.cshec.value + self.cvdec.value + self.cvdshec.value + \ self.acvd.value @property def idx(self): return self._idx @property def hs_section(self): try: hs_section = hs_classifier.hs_from_ident(self.ident) except ValueError: hs_section = None if hs_section is None: logger.warning("Could not classify : " + self.ident) return hs_section @property def bcd(self): return DutyComponent( "BCD", self.hs_section.bcd, self.hs_section.bcd_notif, self.assessableprice * self.hs_section.bcd / 100.0 ) @property def cvd(self): return DutyComponent( "CVD", self.hs_section.cvd, self.hs_section.cvd_notif, (self.assessableprice + self.bcd.value) * self.hs_section.cvd / 100.0 # noqa ) @property def cec(self): return DutyComponent( "C EC", self.hs_section.cec, self.hs_section.cec_notif, (self.bcd.value + self.cvd.value + self.cvdec.value + self.cvdshec.value) * self.hs_section.cec / 100.0 # noqa ) @property def cshec(self): return DutyComponent( "C SHEC", self.hs_section.cshec, self.hs_section.cshec_notif, (self.bcd.value + self.cvd.value + self.cvdec.value + self.cvdshec.value) * self.hs_section.cshec / 100.0 # noqa ) @property def cvdec(self): return DutyComponent( "CVD EC", self.hs_section.cvdec, self.hs_section.cvdec_notif, self.cvd.value * self.hs_section.cvdec / 100.0 ) @property def cvdshec(self): return DutyComponent( "CVD SHEC", self.hs_section.cvdshec, self.hs_section.cvdshec_notif, self.cvd.value * self.hs_section.cvdshec / 100.0 ) @property def acvd(self): return DutyComponent( "SAD", self.hs_section.acvd, self.hs_section.acvd_notif, (self.assessableprice + self.bcd.value + self.cvd.value + self.cec.value + self.cshec.value + self.cvdec.value + self.cvdshec.value) * self.hs_section.acvd / 100.0 # noqa ) @property def invoice_fraction(self): return self.extendedprice / self._invoice.extendedtotal @property def freight(self): if self._invoice.freight is None: return 0 return self._invoice.freight * self.invoice_fraction @property def insurance(self): if self._invoice.insurance_pc is None: return 0 return self.extendedprice * (self._invoice.insurance_pc / 100.0) @property def cifprice(self): return self.extendedprice + self.freight + @property def handling(self): if self._invoice.handling_pc is None: return 0 return self.cifprice * (self._invoice.handling_pc / 100.0) @property def assessableprice(self): rval = self.extendedprice rval += self.freight rval += rval += self.handling return rval
[docs] def print_duties(self): print "{0:>60} : {2:>13} {3:>13}".format("Extended Value", '', self.extendedprice.native_string, self.extendedprice.source_string) # noqa print "{0:>60} : {2:>13}".format("Freight Value", '', self.freight, '') # noqa print "{0:>60} : {2:>13}".format("Insurance Value", '',, '') # noqa print "{0:>60} : {2:>13}".format("Handling Value", '', self.handling, '') # noqa print "{0:>60} : {2:>13}".format("Assessable Value", '', self.assessableprice, '') # noqa print self.bcd print self.cvd print self.cec print self.cshec print self.cvdec print self.cvdshec print self.acvd
def __repr__(self): if self.hs_section is not None: return "{0:<3} {1:<40} {2:<35} {3:>10} {4:>15}".format(self.idx, self._ident, self._desc, self.hs_section.code, # noqa else: return "{0:<3} {1:<40} {2:<35} {3:>10} {4:>15}".format(self.idx, self._ident, self._desc, '----------', 'Unclassified') # noqa