Source code for tendril.frontend.blueprints.production.views

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

# Copyright (C) 2015 Chintalagiri Shashank
# This file is part of tendril.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Docstring for views

import os
import shutil

from flask import render_template
from flask_user import login_required
from flask import abort
from flask import Response
from flask import jsonify
from flask import redirect
from flask import url_for

from . import production as blueprint
from .forms import CreateProductionOrderForm

from tendril.production import order
from tendril.inventory.indent import AuthChainNotValidError
from tendril.entityhub.serialnos import get_serialno
from tendril.dox import production as dxproduction
from tendril.auth.db.controller import get_username_from_full_name
from tendril.utils.fsutils import Crumb
from tendril.utils.fsutils import TEMPDIR
from tendril.utils.fsutils import get_tempname
from tendril.utils.db import get_session
from tendril.dox.labelmaker import get_manager

[docs]def orders(): return jsonify(dxproduction.get_all_prodution_order_snos())
@blueprint.route('/order/<order_sno>/getlabels') @login_required
[docs]def get_device_labels(order_sno=None): production_order = order.ProductionOrder(order_sno) fe_workspace_path = os.path.join(TEMPDIR, 'frontend') if not os.path.exists(fe_workspace_path): os.makedirs(fe_workspace_path) workspace_path = os.path.join(fe_workspace_path, get_tempname()) os.makedirs(workspace_path) labelmanager = get_manager() production_order.make_labels(label_manager=labelmanager, include_main_indent=False) rfile = labelmanager.generate_pdf(workspace_path, force=True) if not rfile: return "Didn't get a manifest set!" try: content = open(rfile).read() return Response(content, mimetype="application/pdf") except IOError as exc: return str(exc)
@blueprint.route('/order/new', methods=['POST', 'GET']) @login_required
[docs]def new_production_order(): form = CreateProductionOrderForm() stage = {'crumbroot': '/production'} if form.validate_on_submit(): try: sno = with get_session() as session: title = if not sno: sno = get_serialno(series='PROD', efield=title, register=True, session=session) else: # additional sno validation? pass cards = {x['ident']: int(x['qty']) for x in if x['ident']} deltas = [{'orig-cardname': x['orig_cardname'], 'target-cardname': x['target_cardname'], 'sno': x['sno']} for x in if x['sno']] requested_by = get_username_from_full_name(, session=session) # Construct Production Order prod_order = order.ProductionOrder(sno=sno) prod_order.create(,, cards=cards, deltas=deltas, sourcing_order_snos=None,, ordered_by=requested_by, ) # Check for Authorization # Nothing right now. # Create Order # TODO detach at this point fe_workspace_path = os.path.join(TEMPDIR, 'frontend') if not os.path.exists(fe_workspace_path): os.makedirs(fe_workspace_path) workspace_path = os.path.join(fe_workspace_path, get_tempname()) os.makedirs(workspace_path) prod_order.process(outfolder=workspace_path, register=True, session=session) shutil.rmtree(workspace_path) # Redirect to Created Order return redirect(url_for('.production_orders', order_sno=str(sno))) except AuthChainNotValidError: stage['auth_not_valid'] = True stage_crumbs = {'breadcrumbs': [Crumb(name="Production", path=""), Crumb(name="Orders", path="order/"), Crumb(name="New", path="order/new")], } stage.update(stage_crumbs) pagetitle = "Create New Production Order" return render_template('production_order_new.html', stage=stage, form=form, pagetitle=pagetitle)
@blueprint.route('/manifests/<order_sno>') @login_required
[docs]def manifests(order_sno=None): if not order_sno: abort(404) prod_order = order.ProductionOrder(order_sno) rfile = prod_order.collated_manifests_pdf if not rfile: return "Didn't get a manifest set!" try: content = open(rfile).read() return Response(content, mimetype="application/pdf") except IOError as exc: return str(exc)
@blueprint.route('/order/<order_sno>') @blueprint.route('/order/') @login_required
[docs]def production_orders(order_sno=None): # Presently only supports getting the latest result. A way to allow # any result to be retrieved would be nice. if order_sno is None: docs = dxproduction.get_all_production_orders_docs() stage = {'docs': docs, 'crumbroot': '/production', 'breadcrumbs': [Crumb(name="Production", path=""), Crumb(name="Orders", path="order/")], } return render_template('production_orders.html', stage=stage, pagetitle="All Production Orders") else: production_order = order.ProductionOrder(order_sno) docs = stage = {'docs': docs, 'order': production_order, 'title': production_order.title, 'order_sno': order_sno, 'crumbroot': '/production', 'breadcrumbs': [Crumb(name="Production", path=""), Crumb(name="Orders", path="order/"), Crumb(name=order_sno, path="order/" + order_sno)], # noqa } return render_template('production_order_detail.html', stage=stage, pagetitle="Production Order " + order_sno)
@blueprint.route('/') @login_required
[docs]def main(): latest_prod = dxproduction.get_all_production_orders_docs(limit=5) stage = {'latest_prod': latest_prod, 'crumbroot': '/production', 'breadcrumbs': [Crumb(name="Production", path="")], } return render_template('production_main.html', stage=stage, pagetitle='Production')