Source code for tendril.dox.render

# coding=utf-8
# Copyright (C) 2015 Chintalagiri Shashank
# This file is part of Tendril.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
Core Dox Render Module (:mod:`tendril.dox.render`)

This module provides the underlying rendering functions to produce PDF
output. Other :mod:`tendril.dox` modules should use these functions to
generate their output files.

.. rubric:: Processors

.. autosummary::


.. rubric:: Renderers

.. autosummary::



from __future__ import print_function

import os
import subprocess
import jinja2
import arrow
import numpy

from tendril.utils.config import DOX_TEMPLATE_FOLDER
from tendril.utils.config import COMPANY_LOGO_PATH
from tendril.utils.config import COMPANY_NAME
from tendril.utils.config import COMPANY_EMAIL
from tendril.utils.config import COMPANY_ADDRESS_LINE
from tendril.utils.config import COMPANY_IEC

from tendril.utils.colors import tableau20
from tendril.utils.types.unitbase import NumericalUnitBase
from decimal import Decimal

import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot

from tendril.utils import log
logger = log.get_logger(__name__, log.INFO)
FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w')

[docs]def format_currency(value): """ Formats a number into the correct number of decimals (2) and with thousands separators ``,``, for use when rendering currencies. This function is added to the :mod:`jinja2` PDF environment constructed by :func:`jinja2_pdfinit`, and is available as a filter in jinja2 templates. :type value: float :rtype: str """ return "{:,.2f}".format(value)
[docs]def escape_latex(string, aggressive=True): """ Escapes latex control and reserved characters from the string. It also converts `None` type inputs into an empty string. This is also where 'special' string sequences are defined to produce specialized latex output, such as the conversion of ``INR`` to the rupee symbol, via the latex ``\\rupee~`` command provided by ``tfrupee``. :param string: Input string :return: Latex-safe string """ if isinstance(string, NumericalUnitBase): string = string.quantized_repr elif isinstance(string, Decimal): string = str(string.quantize(Decimal('.01'))) elif not isinstance(string, str): string = str(string) if string is not None: string = string.replace('\\', '\\\\') string = string.replace('$', '\$') string = string.replace('%', '\%') string = string.replace('&', '\&') string = string.replace('_', '\_') string = string.replace('INR ', '\\rupee~') if aggressive is True: string = string.replace('--', '-{}-') else: string = '' return string
[docs]def jinja2_pdfinit(): """ Creates a :class:`jinja2.Environment`, stored in this module's :data:`renderer_pdf` variable. Application code would typically not call this function or interact directly wih the renderer, and instead use the various render functions provided in this module. If the renderer is required, the instance at :data:`tendril.dox.render.renderer_pdf` can be used. .. rubric:: Environment Information The environment created here is optimised to produce latex output. .. rubric:: Loader :class:`jinja2.FileSystemLoader`, with it's root at :data:`tendril.utils.config.DOX_TEMPLATE_FOLDER` .. rubric:: Template Markup Strings - Blocks: ``%{ %}`` - Variables: ``%{{ %}}`` - Comments: ``%{# %#}`` .. rubric:: Filters - :func:`format_currency` - :func:`escape_latex` :return: The jinja2 Environment. """ loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(DOX_TEMPLATE_FOLDER) renderer = jinja2.Environment(block_start_string='%{', block_end_string='%}', variable_start_string='%{{', variable_end_string='%}}', comment_start_string='%{#', comment_end_string='%#}', loader=loader) renderer.filters['format_currency'] = format_currency renderer.filters['escape_latex'] = escape_latex return renderer
#: The jinja2 environment which application code #: can use to produce latex output. renderer_pdf = jinja2_pdfinit()
[docs]def render_pdf(stage, template, outpath, remove_sources=True, verbose=True, **kwargs): """ Render the latex output and convert it into pdf using ``pdflatex``. The ``stage`` is a dictionary passed on to the :mod:`jinja2` environment, as is available within the template. This function adds some common variables to the ``stage``. This function makes three ``pdflatex`` passes to make sure all the references are resolved. This function will remove the sources, i.e., the ``.tex`` files and intermediate files produced by ``pdflatex``, after conversion. It will do so after running ``pdflatex``, irrespective of the result. If the raw ``.tex`` file is needed (typically for debugging templates), the ``remove_sources`` parameter should be used. :param stage: A dictionary which will be available to the template :type stage: dict :param template: The template file to use, either relative to the loader's template root or an absolute path. :type template: str :param outpath: The path to the output file (including ``.pdf``). :type outpath: str :param remove_sources: Whether to remove the latex files after conversion. :type remove_sources: bool :return: ``outpath`` .. rubric:: Stage Keys Provided .. list-table:: * - ``logo`` - The company logo, as specified in :data:`tendril.utils.config.COMPANY_LOGO_PATH` * - ``company`` - The company name, as specified in :data:`tendril.utils.config.COMPANY_NAME` * - ``company_email`` - The company email address, as specified in :data:`tendril.utils.config.COMPANY_EMAIL` * - ``company_address_line`` - The company address, as specified in :data:`tendril.utils.config.COMPANY_ADDRESS_LINE` * - ``company_iec`` - The company IEC, as specified in :data:`tendril.utils.config.COMPANY_IEC` * - ``render_ts`` - The current timestamp """ if not os.path.exists(template) \ and not os.path.exists( os.path.join(DOX_TEMPLATE_FOLDER, template) ): logger.error("Template not found : " + template) raise ValueError template = renderer_pdf.get_template(template) stage['logo'] = COMPANY_LOGO_PATH stage['company'] = COMPANY_NAME stage['company_email'] = COMPANY_EMAIL stage['company_address_line'] = COMPANY_ADDRESS_LINE stage['company_iec'] = COMPANY_IEC stage['render_ts'] = arrow.utcnow().isoformat() texpath = os.path.splitext(outpath)[0] + ".tex" with open(texpath, "wb") as f: f.write(template.render(stage=stage, **kwargs)) f.flush() auxpath = os.path.splitext(outpath)[0] + ".aux" logpath = os.path.splitext(outpath)[0] + ".log" pdflatex_cmd = ("pdflatex -interaction=batchmode -output-directory=" + os.path.split(outpath)[0]).split(' ') pdflatex_cmd.append(texpath) if verbose: print("Generating " + os.path.split(outpath)[1]) for i in range(3): # p = subprocess.Popen(pdflatex_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # out, err = p.communicate() # print (out, err), stdout=FNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if remove_sources is True: os.remove(texpath) os.remove(auxpath) os.remove(logpath) return outpath
[docs]def render_lineplot(outf, plotdata, title, note): """ Renders a lineplot to PDF. This function is presently used to generate PCB pricing graphs by :mod:`tendril.dox.gedaproject.gen_pcbpricing`. It's pretty unwieldy, and is likely going to be axed at some point in favor of :func:`make_graph`, once the necessary functionality is implemented there and the pricing graph code is modified to use that instead. .. warning:: This function is likely to be deprecated. .. seealso:: :func:`make_graph` :param outf: The path to the output file. :param plotdata: The data to plot. :param title: The title of the plot. :param note: An additional note to include with the plot (not implemented) :return: outf """ curvenames = [] ylists = [] xlists = [] for x, y in plotdata.iteritems(): for name, value in y.iteritems(): if name not in curvenames: curvenames.append(name) xlists.append([]) ylists.append([]) curveindex = curvenames.index(name) xlists[curveindex].append(x) ylists[curveindex].append(value) import matplotlib.pylab as pl pl.figure(1, figsize=(11.69, 8.27)) ax = pl.subplot(111) ax.spines["top"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["bottom"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["right"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["left"].set_visible(False) ax.get_xaxis().tick_bottom() ax.get_yaxis().tick_left() try: ymax = max([max(l) for l in ylists]) except ValueError: print(ylists) raise ValueError xmin = min([min(l) for l in xlists]) xmax = max([max(l) for l in xlists]) pl.yticks(range(0, int(ymax), int(ymax / 10)), [str(x) for x in range(0, int(ymax), int(ymax / 10))]) for y in range(0, int(ymax), int(ymax / 10)): ax.plot(range(xmin, xmax), [y] * len(range(xmin, xmax)), "--", lw=0.5, color="black", alpha=0.3) pl.tick_params(axis="both", which="both", bottom="off", top="off", labelbottom="on", left="off", right="off", labelleft="on") pl.ylim(0, ymax) pl.xlim(xmin, xmax) for idx, curvename in enumerate(curvenames): ax.plot(xlists[idx], ylists[idx], color=tableau20[idx], label=curvename) # y_pos = ylists[idx][-1] - 0.5 # pl.text(xmax, y_pos, curvename, color=tableau20[idx]) pl.title(title) pl.legend() pl.savefig(outf, format='pdf') pl.clf() return outf
[docs]def make_graph(outpath, plotdata_y, plotdata_x=None, color='black', lw=2, marker=None, xscale='linear', yscale='linear', xlabel='', ylabel='', ymax=None, ymin=None): """ Renders a graph of the data provided as a ``.png`` file, saved to the path specified by ``outpath``. This function uses :mod:`matplotlib.pyplot`. :param outpath: The path to the output file :type outpath: str :param plotdata_y: The y-axis data to plot :type plotdata_y: list :param plotdata_x: The x-axis data to plot, or None if a plotdata_y is a sequence :type plotdata_x: :class:`list` or None :param color: The color of the curve, default ``black``. See matplotlib docs. :type color: str :param lw: The linewidth of the curve, default ``2``. See matplotlib docs. :type lw: int :param marker: The marker to be used, default ``None``. See matplotlib docs. :type marker: str :param xscale: The scale of the x axis, default ``linear``. See matplotlib docs. :type xscale: str :param yscale: The scale of the y axis, default ``linear``. See matplotlib docs. :type yscale: str :param xlabel: The x-axis label, default ``''`` :type xlabel: str :param ylabel: The y-axis label, default ``''`` :type ylabel: str :return: The output path. """ pyplot.plot(plotdata_x, plotdata_y, color=color, lw=lw, marker=marker) pyplot.xscale(xscale) pyplot.yscale(yscale) pyplot.grid(True, which='major', color='0.3', linestyle='-') pyplot.grid(True, which='minor', color='0.3') pyplot.xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=20) pyplot.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=20) pyplot.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=16) pyplot.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=8) if (ymax, ymin) is not (None, None): pyplot.ylim((ymin, ymax)) pyplot.tight_layout() pyplot.savefig(outpath) pyplot.close() return outpath
[docs]def get_optimum_bins(plotdata_y): """ Histogram Binwidth Optimization Method :: Shimazaki and Shinomoto, Neural Comput 19 1503-1527, 2007 2006 Author Hideaki Shimazaki, Matlab Department of Physics, Kyoto University shimazaki at This implementation based on the version in python written by Érbet Almeida Costa :param plotdata_y: The data for which a histogram is to be made :return: The optimal number of bins .. warning:: This function fails if the provided data lacks a proper distribution, such as if there are only 4 distinct values in the output. Figure out why and how to fix it. In the meanwhile, specify bins manually to not let this function be called. """ max_p = max(plotdata_y) min_p = min(plotdata_y) n_min = 2 n_max = 50 n = range(n_min, n_max) # Number of Bins array n = numpy.array(n) # Bin Size Vector d = (max_p - min_p) / n c = numpy.zeros(shape=(numpy.size(d), 1)) # Computation of the cost function for i in xrange(numpy.size(n)): edges = numpy.linspace(min_p, max_p, n[i]+1) # Bin edges ki = pyplot.hist(plotdata_y, edges) # Count # of events in bins ki = ki[0] k = numpy.mean(ki) # Mean of event count v = sum((ki - k) ** 2) / n[i] # Variance of event count c[i] = (2 * k - v) / ((d[i]) ** 2) # The cost Function # Optimal Bin Size Selection cmin = min(c) idx = numpy.where(c == cmin) idx = int(idx[0]) pyplot.close() return n[idx]
[docs]def make_histogram(outpath, plotdata_y, bins=None, color='red', xlabel='', ylabel='', x_range=None): """ Renders a histogram of the data provided as a ``.png`` file, saved to the path specified by ``outpath``. This function uses :mod:`matplotlib.pyplot`. .. seealso:: :func:`get_optimum_bins` :param outpath: The path to the output file :type outpath: str :param plotdata_y: The y-axis data to plot :type plotdata_y: list :param bins: Number of bins to use. If None, uses the optimum. See matplotlib docs. :type bins: int or None :param color: The color of the curve, default ``red``. See matplotlib docs. :type color: str :param xlabel: The x-axis label, default ``''`` :type xlabel: str :param ylabel: The y-axis label, default ``''`` :type ylabel: str :param x_range: The x-axis range, if not the default. See matplotlib docs for range. :type x_range: tuple :return: The output path. """ if bins is None: bins = get_optimum_bins(plotdata_y) pyplot.hist(plotdata_y, bins=bins, color=color, range=x_range) pyplot.grid(True, which='major', linestyle='-') pyplot.grid(True, which='minor') pyplot.xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=20) pyplot.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=20) pyplot.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=16) pyplot.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=8) pyplot.tight_layout() pyplot.savefig(outpath) pyplot.close() return outpath