Source code for tendril.dox.production

# Copyright (C) 2015 Chintalagiri Shashank
# This file is part of Tendril.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
Production Dox Module (:mod:`tendril.dox.production`)

This module provides functions to generate production related documentation.
The functions here use the :mod:`tendril.dox.render` module to actually
produce the output files after constructing the appropriate stage.

.. seealso:: :mod:`tendril.dox`

.. rubric:: Document Generators

.. autosummary::



import os

from fs.utils import copyfile

import docstore
import render
from tendril.boms.outputbase import DeltaOutputBom
from tendril.entityhub import projects
from tendril.entityhub import serialnos
from tendril.entityhub.modules import get_module_instance
from tendril.entityhub.modules import get_module_prototype
from tendril.gedaif.conffile import ConfigsFile
from tendril.utils import log
from tendril.utils.fsutils import get_tempname
from tendril.utils.fsutils import temp_fs
from tendril.utils.files.pdf import merge_pdf
logger = log.get_logger(__name__, log.DEBUG)

[docs]def gen_pcb_am(configname, outfolder, sno=None, productionorderno=None, indentsno=None, scaffold=False, verbose=True, session=None): """ Generates a PCB Assembly Manifest for a 'card', a card being defined as a gEDA project, with a specified ``configname``. In the present implementation, the project could provide either a PCB or a Cable. - In case the project provides the card, the schematic for the cable is included along with the assembly manifest. - In case the project provides a PCB, the schematic is not included with the assembly manifest. This behavior is not really intuitive nor universally desirable. This rationale should be changed to something that makes more sense. .. note:: This function does not register the document in the :mod:`tendril.dox.docstore`. You should use the output file path (returned by this function) to register the document when desired. .. seealso:: - :mod:`tendril.gedaif.conffile`, for information about confignames. - :mod:`tendril.entityhub.projects`, for information about 'cards' .. todo:: Update this function to also handle registering once the main scripts are better integrated into the core. :param configname: The name of the project configuration to use. :type configname: str :param outfolder: The folder within which the output file should be created. :type outfolder: str :param sno: The serial number of the card for which you want the Assembly Manifest. :type sno: str :param productionorderno: The serial number of the Production Order for the card. :type productionorderno: str :param indentsno: The serial number of the Stock Indent which accounts for the components used in this card. :type indentsno: str :return: The path of the generated file. .. rubric:: Template Used ``tendril/dox/templates/production/pcb-assem-manifest.tex`` (:download:`Included version <../../tendril/dox/templates/production/pcb-assem-manifest.tex>`) .. rubric:: Stage Keys Provided .. list-table:: * - ``sno`` - The serial number of the card. * - ``configname`` - The configuration name of the card. * - ``pcbname`` - The name of the PCB provided by the gEDA project. * - ``title`` - Whether the device is a PCB or a Cable. * - ``desc`` - The description of the card. * - ``lines`` - List of :class:`tendril.boms.outputbase.OutputBomLine` instances. * - ``stockindent`` - The serial number of the Stock Indent which accounts for the components used in this card. * - ``productionorderno`` - The serial number of the Production Order for the card. * - ``repopath`` - The root of the VCS repository which contains the gEDA project. * - ``evenpages`` - Whether to render PDF with even number of pages by adding an extra page if needed (useful for bulk printing). """ if sno is None: # TODO Generate real S.No. here sno = 1 outpath = os.path.join(outfolder, 'am-' + configname + '-' + str(sno) + '.pdf') instance = get_module_instance(sno, configname, scaffold=scaffold, session=session) obom = instance.obom if projects.check_module_is_card(configname): entityname = instance.pcbname title = 'PCB ' evenpages = True add_schematic = False elif projects.check_module_is_cable(configname): entityname = instance.cblname title = 'Cable ' evenpages = False add_schematic = True else: raise ValueError stage = {'configname': obom.descriptor.configname, 'pcbname': entityname, 'title': title, 'sno': sno, 'lines': obom.lines, 'evenpages': evenpages, 'stockindent': indentsno, 'repopath': projects.get_project_repo_repr(configname), 'productionorderno': productionorderno} for config in obom.descriptor.configurations.configurations: if config['configname'] == configname: stage['desc'] = config['desc'] template = 'production/pcb-assem-manifest.tex' render.render_pdf(stage, template, outpath, verbose=verbose) if add_schematic is True: merge_pdf([outpath, os.path.join(instance.projfolder, 'doc', entityname + '-schematic.pdf')], outpath) return outpath
[docs]def gen_delta_pcb_am(orig_cardname, target_cardname, outfolder=None, sno=None, productionorderno=None, indentsno=None, scaffold=False, verbose=True, session=None): """ Generates a Delta PCB Assembly Manifest for converting one card to another. This is typically only useful when the two cards are very closely related and use the same PCB.. In the present implementation, the cardname could represent either a PCB or a Cable. .. note:: This function does not register the document in the :mod:`tendril.dox.docstore`. You should use the output file path (returned by this function) to register the document when desired. .. seealso:: - :mod:`tendril.entityhub.projects`, for information about 'cards' .. todo:: Update this function to also handle registering once the main scripts are better integrated into the core. :param orig_cardname: The name of the original card. This should be present in :data:`` :type orig_cardname: str :param target_cardname: The name of the target card. This should be present in :data:`` :type target_cardname: str :param outfolder: The folder within which the output file should be created. :type outfolder: str :param sno: The serial number of the card for which you want the Delta Assembly Manifest. :type sno: str :param productionorderno: The serial number of the Production Order for the modification. :type productionorderno: str :param indentsno: The serial number of the Stock Indent which accounts for the components used in this card. :type indentsno: str :return: The path of the generated file. .. rubric:: Template Used ``tendril/dox/templates/production/delta-assem-manifest.tex`` (:download:`Included version <../../tendril/dox/templates/production/delta-assem-manifest.tex>`) .. rubric:: Stage Keys Provided .. list-table:: * - ``sno`` - The serial number of the card. * - ``orig_configname`` - The configuration name of the original card. * - ``target_configname`` - The configuration name of the target card. * - ``pcbname`` - The name of the original PCB. * - ``title`` - Whether the device is a PCB or a Cable. * - ``desc`` - The description of the modification. * - ``addition_lines`` - List of :class:`tendril.boms.outputbase.OutputBomLine` instances. * - ``subtraction_lines`` - List of :class:`tendril.boms.outputbase.OutputBomLine` instances. * - ``stockindent`` - The serial number of the Stock Indent which accounts for the components used in this card. * - ``productionorderno`` - The serial number of the Production Order for the card. * - ``original_repopath`` - The root of the VCS repository which contains the original gEDA project. * - ``target_repopath`` - The root of the VCS repository which contains the target gEDA project. * - ``evenpages`` - Whether to render PDF with even number of pages by adding an extra page if needed (useful for bulk printing). """ if outfolder is None: from tendril.utils.config import INSTANCE_ROOT outfolder = os.path.join(INSTANCE_ROOT, 'scratch', 'production') if sno is None: # TODO Generate real S.No. here sno = 1 outpath = os.path.join( outfolder, 'dm-' + orig_cardname + '->' + target_cardname + '-' + str(sno) + '.pdf' ) orig_instance = get_module_instance(sno, orig_cardname, session=session, scaffold=True) orig_obom = orig_instance.obom target_instance = get_module_prototype(target_cardname) target_obom = target_instance.obom delta_obom = DeltaOutputBom(orig_obom, target_obom) if projects.check_module_is_card(orig_cardname): orig_entityname = orig_instance.pcbname try: target_entityname = target_instance.pcbname except AttributeError: logger.error("Target for the delta should be a PCB!") raise title = 'PCB ' evenpages = True elif projects.check_module_is_cable(orig_cardname): orig_entityname = orig_instance.cblname try: target_entityname = target_instance.cblname except AttributeError: logger.error("Target for the delta should be a Cable!") raise title = 'Cable ' evenpages = False else: raise ValueError stage = {'orig_configname': orig_cardname, 'target_configname': target_cardname, 'pcbname': orig_entityname, 'title': title, 'sno': sno, 'addition_lines': delta_obom.additions_bom.lines, 'subtraction_lines': delta_obom.subtractions_bom.lines, 'evenpages': evenpages, 'stockindent': indentsno, 'orig_repopath': projects.get_project_repo_repr(orig_cardname), 'target_repopath': projects.get_project_repo_repr(target_cardname), # noqa 'productionorderno': productionorderno, 'desc': delta_obom.descriptor.configname} template = 'production/delta-assem-manifest.tex' render.render_pdf(stage, template, outpath, verbose=verbose) return outpath
[docs]def gen_production_order(outfolder, prod_sno, sourcedata, snos, sourcing_orders=None, root_orders=None, verbose=True): """ Generates a Production Order for a production order defined in a ``.yaml`` file. .. note:: This function does not register the document in the :mod:`tendril.dox.docstore`. You should use the output file path (returned by this function) to register the document when desired. .. todo:: Update this function to also handle registering once the main scripts are better integrated into the core. .. todo:: Document the format of the .yaml file. :param outfolder: The folder within which the output file should be created. :type outfolder: str :param prod_sno: The serial number of the Production Order to generate. :type prod_sno: str :param sourcedata: The source data loaded from a ``.yaml`` file. :type sourcedata: dict :param snos: A list of serial numbers to produce, along with whatever other information should be included in the order. See the template for details. :type snos: :class:`list` of :class:`dict` :param sourcing_orders: A list of sourcing orders which were made to obtain raw materials for this production order. :type sourcing_orders: :class:`list` of :class:`str` :param root_orders: A list of root orders which is production order is intended to fulfill. :type root_orders: :class:`list` of :class:`str` :return: The path to the output PDF file. .. rubric:: Template Used ``tendril\dox\\templates\production\production-order-template.tex`` (:download:`Included version <../../tendril/dox/templates/production/production-order-template.tex>`) .. rubric:: Stage Keys Provided .. list-table:: * - ``sno`` - The serial number of the production order. * - ``title`` - The title of the production order. * - ``cards`` - A list of different card types to be produced, and quantities of each. * - ``snos`` - A list of cards to produce, with serial numbers and other included information. * - ``sourcing_orders`` - A list of sourcing orders which were made to obtain raw materials for this production order. * - ``root_orders`` - A list of root orders which is production order is intended to fulfill. """ cards = [] if 'cards' in sourcedata.keys(): cards = [{'qty': sourcedata['cards'][k], 'desc': ConfigsFile([k]).description(k), 'ident': k} for k in sorted(sourcedata['cards'].keys())] deltas = {} if 'deltas' in sourcedata.keys(): for delta in sourcedata['deltas']: desc = delta['orig-cardname'] + ' -> ' + delta['target-cardname'] if desc in deltas.keys(): deltas[desc] += 1 else: deltas[desc] = 1 lroot_orders = [] for root_order in root_orders: if root_order is not None: try: root_order_desc = serialnos.get_serialno_efield(root_order) except AttributeError: root_order_desc = None else: root_order_desc = None lroot_orders.append({'no': root_order, 'desc': root_order_desc}) stage = { 'title': sourcedata['title'], 'cards': cards, 'deltas': deltas, 'sourcing_orders': sourcing_orders, 'sno': prod_sno, 'snos': snos, 'root_orders': lroot_orders, } outpath = os.path.join(outfolder, str(prod_sno) + '.pdf') template = 'production/production-order-template.tex' render.render_pdf(stage, template, outpath, verbose=verbose) return outpath
[docs]def get_production_order_manifest_set(serialno): workspace = temp_fs.makeopendir(get_tempname()) children = serialnos.get_child_serialnos(sno=serialno) manifests = [] for child in children: files = [] am = docstore.get_docs_list_for_sno_doctype(serialno=child, doctype='ASSEMBLY MANIFEST') if len(am) == 1: uam = am[0] copyfile(uam.fs, uam.path, workspace, uam.filename, overwrite=True) files = [workspace.getsyspath(uam.filename)] elif len(am) > 1: raise ValueError( "Found {0} manifests for {2}".format(len(am), child) ) dms = docstore.get_docs_list_for_sno_doctype( serialno=child, doctype='DELTA ASSEMBLY MANIFEST' ) if len(dms): for dm in dms: copyfile(dm.fs, dm.path, workspace, dm.filename, overwrite=True) files.append(workspace.getsyspath(dm.filename)) if len(files) > 1: wdmfile = merge_pdf( files, os.path.join(workspace.getsyspath('/'), os.path.splitext(am[0].filename)[0] + '-wdm.pdf'), remove_sources=True ) manifests.append(wdmfile) elif len(files) == 1: manifests.append(files[0]) if len(manifests): output = merge_pdf( manifests, os.path.join(workspace.getsyspath('/'), serialno + '.pdf'), remove_sources=True ) return output return None
[docs]def get_production_strategy(cardname): # Alternate is ready. try: cardfolder =[cardname] except KeyError: logger.error("Could not find Card in") raise KeyError cardconf = ConfigsFile(cardfolder) prodst = None lblst = None testst = None genmanifest = False if cardconf.configdata['documentation']['am'] is True: # Assembly manifest should be used prodst = "@AM" genmanifest = True elif cardconf.configdata['documentation']['am'] is False: # No Assembly manifest needed prodst = "@THIS" if cardconf.configdata['productionstrategy']['testing'] == 'normal': # Normal test procedure, Test when made testst = "@NOW" if cardconf.configdata['productionstrategy']['testing'] == 'lazy': # Lazy test procedure, Test when used testst = "@USE" if cardconf.configdata['productionstrategy']['labelling'] == 'normal': # Normal test procedure, Label when made lblst = "@NOW" if cardconf.configdata['productionstrategy']['testing'] == 'lazy': # Lazy test procedure, Label when used lblst = "@USE" series = cardconf.configdata['snoseries'] genlabel = False labels = [] if isinstance(cardconf.configdata['documentation']['label'], dict): for k in sorted(cardconf.configdata['documentation']['label'].keys()): labels.append( {'code': k, 'ident': cardname + '.' + cardconf.configdata['label'][k]} ) genlabel = True elif isinstance(cardconf.configdata['documentation']['label'], str): labels.append( {'code': cardconf.configdata['documentation']['label'], 'ident': cardname} ) genlabel = True return prodst, lblst, testst, genmanifest, genlabel, series, labels
[docs]def get_all_prodution_order_snos(limit=None): snos = docstore.controller.get_snos_by_document_doctype( doctype='PRODUCTION ORDER', limit=limit ) rval = {'snos': []} for sno in snos: rval['snos'].append({'sno': sno.sno, 'title': sno.efield}) return rval
[docs]def get_all_prodution_order_snos_strings(limit=None): snos = docstore.controller.get_snos_by_document_doctype( doctype='PRODUCTION ORDER', limit=limit ) return [x.sno for x in snos]
[docs]def get_all_production_orders_docs(limit=None): return docstore.get_docs_list_for_sno_doctype( serialno=None, doctype='PRODUCTION ORDER', limit=limit )