Source code for tendril.boms.validate

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

# Copyright (C) 2016 Chintalagiri Shashank
# This file is part of tendril.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Docstring for validate


# TODO Seriously refactor this file

from tendril.conventions.electronics import parse_ident
from tendril.conventions.electronics import ident_transform
from tendril.conventions.electronics import DEVICE_CLASSES

from colorama import Fore
from colorama import Style
from tendril.utils import terminal
from tendril.utils import log
logger = log.get_logger(__name__, log.DEFAULT)

[docs]class ValidatableBase(object): def __init__(self): self._validated = False self._validation_context = None self._validation_errors = ErrorCollector() @property def ident(self): raise NotImplementedError @ident.setter def ident(self, value): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def _validate(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def validate(self): if not self._validated: logger.debug("Validating {0}".format(self.ident)) self._validate()
@property def validation_errors(self): if not self._validated: self._validate() return self._validation_errors
[docs]class ValidationContext(object): def __init__(self, mod, locality=None): self.mod = mod self.locality = locality def __repr__(self): if self.locality: return '/'.join([self.mod, self.locality]) else: return self.mod
[docs] def render(self): return self.locality
[docs]class ValidationError(Exception): msg = "Validation Error" def __init__(self, policy): self._policy = policy self.detail = None @property def policy(self): return self._policy
[docs] def render(self): return { 'is_error': self.policy.is_error, 'group': self.msg, 'headline': self._policy.context.render(), 'detail': self.detail, }
[docs]class MissingFileError(ValidationError): msg = "Missing File" def __init__(self, policy): super(MissingFileError, self).__init__(policy) def __repr__(self): return "<MissingFileWarning {0} {1}>".format( self._policy.context, self._policy.path )
[docs] def render(self): return { 'is_error': self.policy.is_error, 'group': self.msg, 'headline': "Missing {0}".format(self._policy.context.render()), 'detail': self._policy.path, }
[docs]class MangledFileError(ValidationError): msg = "Unable to Parse File" def __init__(self, policy): super(MangledFileError, self).__init__(policy) def __repr__(self): return "<MangledFileError {0} {1}>".format( self._policy.context, self._policy.path )
[docs] def render(self): return { 'is_error': self.policy.is_error, 'group': self.msg, 'headline': "Mangled {0}".format(self._policy.context.render()), 'detail': self._policy.path, }
[docs]class ContextualConfigError(ValidationError): msg = "Incorrect Configuration" def __init__(self, policy): super(ContextualConfigError, self).__init__(policy)
[docs] def _format_path(self): if isinstance(self._policy.path, tuple): return '/'.join(self._policy.path) else: return self._policy.path
[docs] def render(self): return { 'is_error': self.policy.is_error, 'group': self.msg, 'headline': self._policy.context.render(), 'detail': "Configuration seems to be incorrect.", }
[docs]class ConfigKeyError(ContextualConfigError): msg = "Configuration Key Missing" def __init__(self, policy): super(ConfigKeyError, self).__init__(policy) def __repr__(self): return "<ConfigKeyError {0} {1}>" \ "".format(self._policy.context, self._format_path())
[docs] def render(self): if self._policy.options: option_str = "Valid options are {0}" \ "".format(', '.join(self._policy.options)) else: option_str = '' return { 'is_error': self.policy.is_error, 'group': self.msg, 'headline': "{0} missing in {1}" "".format(self._format_path(), self._policy.context.render()), 'detail': "This required configuration option could not be " "found in the configs file. " + option_str, }
[docs]class ConfigValueInvalidError(ContextualConfigError): msg = "Configuration Value Unrecognized" def __init__(self, policy, value): super(ConfigValueInvalidError, self).__init__(policy) self._value = value def __repr__(self): return "<ConfigValueInvalidError {0} {1}>" \ "".format(self._policy.context, self._format_path())
[docs] def render(self): if self._policy.options: option_str = "Valid options are {0}".format(', '.join(self._policy.options)) else: option_str = '' return { 'is_error': self.policy.is_error, 'group': self.msg, 'headline': "'{0}' Invalid for {1} in {2}" "".format(self._value, self._format_path(), self._policy.context.render()), 'detail': "The value provided for this configuration option is " "unrecognized or not allowed in this context. " + option_str, }
[docs]class IdentErrorBase(ValidationError): def __init__(self, policy, ident, refdeslist): self.ident = ident self.refdeslist = refdeslist self._policy = policy
[docs]class IdentNotRecognized(IdentErrorBase): msg = "Ident Not Recognized" def __init__(self, policy, ident, refdeslist): super(IdentNotRecognized, self).__init__(policy, ident, refdeslist) def __repr__(self): return "<IdentNotRecognized {0} {1}>" \ "".format(self.ident, ', '.join(self.refdeslist))
[docs] def render(self): return { 'is_error': self.policy.is_error, 'group': self.msg, 'headline': "'{0}'".format(self.ident), 'detail': "This ident is not recognized by the library and is " "therefore deemed invalid. Used by refdes {0}" "".format(', '.join(self.refdeslist)), 'detail_core': ', '.join(self.refdeslist), }
[docs]class DeviceNotRecognized(IdentErrorBase): msg = "Device Not Recognized" def __init__(self, policy, ident, refdeslist): super(DeviceNotRecognized, self).__init__(policy, ident, refdeslist) def __repr__(self): return "<DeviceNotRecognized {0} {1}>" \ "".format(self.ident, ', '.join(self.refdeslist))
[docs] def render(self): return { 'is_error': self.policy.is_error, 'group': self.msg, 'headline': "'{0}' does not have a recognized Device." "".format(self.ident), 'detail': "This ident does not have a recognized device " "string. It is therefore unlikely to be correctly " "handled. Used by refdes {0}" "".format(', '.join(self.refdeslist)), }
[docs]class QuantityTypeError(IdentErrorBase): msg = "Quantity Type Mismatch" def __init__(self, policy, ident, refdeslist): super(QuantityTypeError, self).__init__(policy, ident, refdeslist) def __repr__(self): return "<QuantityTypeError {0} {1}>" \ "".format(self.ident, ', '.join(self.refdeslist))
[docs] def render(self): return { 'is_error': self.policy.is_error, 'group': self.msg, 'headline': "Quantity for '{0}' could not be determined." "".format(self.ident), 'detail': "The quantity for this ident could not be determined. " "This is often due to mismatches / errors in the types " "for one or more of the specified quantities. See {0}." "".format(', '.join(self.refdeslist)), }
[docs]class BomGroupError(ValidationError): msg = "Group not found in Configs file" def __init__(self, policy, tgroup, refdes, ident=None): super(BomGroupError, self).__init__(policy) self._tgroup = tgroup self._refdes = refdes self._ident = ident def __repr__(self): return '<BomGroupError {0} {1}>'.format(self._tgroup, self._refdes)
[docs] def render(self): return { 'is_error': self.policy.is_error, 'group': self.msg, 'headline': "Group '{0}' for {1} not found in the configs file." "".format(self._tgroup, self._refdes), 'detail': "The declared group should either be added to the " "configs file, or changed to one of the defined " "component groups - {0}." "".format(', '.join(self.policy.known_groups)), }
[docs]class BomMotifUnrecognizedError(ValidationError): msg = "Motif Definition Unrecognized" def __init__(self, policy, motifst, refdes): super(BomMotifUnrecognizedError, self).__init__(policy) self._motifst = motifst self._refdes = refdes def __repr__(self): return '<BomMotifUnrecognizedError {0} {1}>' \ ''.format(self._policy.context.render, self._motifst)
[docs] def render(self): return { 'group': self.msg, 'is_error': self.policy.is_error, 'headline': "Motif '{0}' for {1} is not recognized." "".format(self._motifst, self._refdes), 'detail': "The listed motif is not recognized by tendril and is " "not handled. Component {0} is not included in the BOM." "".format(self._refdes), }
[docs]class ConfigMotifMissingError(ValidationError): msg = "Motif in Configs not found in Schematic" def __init__(self, policy, refdes): super(ConfigMotifMissingError, self).__init__(policy) self.refdes = refdes def __repr__(self): return "<ConfigMotifMissingError {0} {1}>" \ "".format(self.policy.context.render, self.refdes)
[docs] def render(self): return { 'group': self.msg, 'is_error': self.policy.is_error, 'headline': "Motif '{0}' could not be found in the schematic." "".format(self.refdes), 'detail': "No elements corresponding to motif {0} were found in " "the schematic. None of the transformations related to " "this motif configuration will be made to the BOM." "".format(self.refdes), }
[docs]class ConfigGroupError(ValidationError): msg = "Group in config definitions unrecognized" def __init__(self, policy, groupname): super(ConfigGroupError, self).__init__(policy) self.groupname = groupname def __repr__(self): return "<ConfigGroupError {0}>".format(self.groupname)
[docs] def render(self): return { 'group': self.msg, 'is_error': self.policy.is_error, 'headline': "Group '{0}' unrecognized." "".format(self.groupname), 'detail': "This group is listed for inclusion in this " "configuration but is not recognized. Recheck " "configuration grouplist. Defined groups are : {0}." "".format(', '.join(self.policy.known_groups)), }
[docs]class ConfigSJUnexpectedError(ValidationError): msg = "Fillstatus of non-configurable component changed" def __init__(self, policy, refdes, fillstatus): super(ConfigSJUnexpectedError, self).__init__(policy) self.refdes = refdes self.fillstatus = fillstatus def __repr__(self): return "<ConfigSJUnexpectedError {0} {1}>" \ "".format(self.refdes, self.fillstatus)
[docs] def render(self): return { 'group': self.msg, 'is_error': self.policy.is_error, 'headline': "Unexpected inclusion of '{0}' with fillstatus '{1}' " "in sjlist.".format(self.refdes, self.fillstatus), 'detail': "This component's fillstatus is not expected to be " "changed by the configs via the sjlist route. If " "such modification is intended, change it's fillstatus " "in the schematic to 'CONF'.", }
[docs]class ValidationPolicy(object): def __init__(self, context, is_error=True): self.context = context self.is_error = is_error
[docs]class ConfigMotifPolicy(ValidationPolicy): def __init__(self, context): super(ConfigMotifPolicy, self).__init__(context) self.is_error = True
[docs]class ConfigGroupPolicy(ValidationPolicy): def __init__(self, context, known_groups): super(ConfigGroupPolicy, self).__init__(context) self.is_error = True self.known_groups = known_groups
[docs]class ConfigSJPolicy(ValidationPolicy): def __init__(self, context): super(ConfigSJPolicy, self).__init__(context) self.is_error = False
[docs]class BomMotifPolicy(ValidationPolicy): def __init__(self, context): super(BomMotifPolicy, self).__init__(context) self.is_error = True
[docs]class BomGroupPolicy(ValidationPolicy): def __init__(self, context, known_groups, file_groups=None, allow_blank=True, default='default'): super(BomGroupPolicy, self).__init__(context) self._known_groups = known_groups self._file_groups = file_groups self._allow_blank = allow_blank self._default = default self.is_error = False
[docs] def check(self, item): group =['group'] schfile =['schfile'] if not schfile or schfile == 'unknown': schfiles = [] else: schfiles = schfile.split(';') done = False if not group or group == 'unknown': for f in schfiles: if f in self.file_groups.keys(): group = self.file_groups[f] done = True if not done: group = 'default' if group not in self._known_groups: raise BomGroupError(self, group,['refdes'], ident_transform(['device'],['value'],['footprint']) ) return group
@property def default(self): return self._default @property def known_groups(self): return self._known_groups @property def file_groups(self): return self._file_groups
[docs]class IdentPolicy(ValidationPolicy): def __init__(self, context, rfunc): super(IdentPolicy, self).__init__(context) self.is_error = False self._rfunc = rfunc
[docs] def check(self, ident, refdeslist, cstatus): d, v, f = parse_ident(ident) if d not in DEVICE_CLASSES: self.is_error = True raise DeviceNotRecognized(self, ident, refdeslist) if not self._rfunc(ident): self.is_error = False raise IdentNotRecognized(self, ident, refdeslist)
[docs]class IdentQtyPolicy(ValidationPolicy): def __init__(self, context, is_error): super(IdentQtyPolicy, self).__init__(context) self.is_error = is_error
[docs]class ConfigOptionPolicy(ValidationPolicy): def __init__(self, context, path, options=None, default=None, is_error=True): super(ConfigOptionPolicy, self).__init__(context, is_error) self.path = path self.options = options self.default = default
[docs]class FilePolicy(ValidationPolicy): def __init__(self, context, path, is_error): super(FilePolicy, self).__init__(context, is_error) self.path = path
[docs]def get_dict_val(d, policy=None): assert isinstance(d, dict) if isinstance(policy.path, tuple): try: for key in policy.path: if key not in d.keys(): raise KeyError d = d.get(key) except KeyError: raise ConfigKeyError(policy=policy) rval = d else: try: if policy.path not in d.keys(): raise KeyError rval = d.get(policy.path) except KeyError: raise ConfigKeyError(policy=policy) if policy.options is None or rval in policy.options: return rval else: raise ConfigValueInvalidError(policy=policy, value=rval)
[docs]class ErrorCollector(ValidationError): def __init__(self): self._errors = []
[docs] def add(self, e): if isinstance(e, ErrorCollector): for error in e.errors: self._errors.append(error) else: self._errors.append(e)
@property def errors(self): return self._errors @property def terrors(self): return len(self._errors) @property def derrors(self): return [x for x in self._errors if x.policy.is_error] @property def dwarnings(self): return [x for x in self._errors if not x.policy.is_error] @property def nerrors(self): return len(self.derrors) @property def nwarnings(self): return len(self.dwarnings) @staticmethod
[docs] def _group_errors(errors): rval = {} for error in errors: etype = error['group'] if etype in rval.keys(): rval[etype].append(error) else: rval[etype] = [error] return rval
@property def errors_by_type(self): lerrors = [x.render() for x in self.derrors] return self._group_errors(lerrors) @property def warnings_by_type(self): lwarnings = [x.render() for x in self.dwarnings] return self._group_errors(lwarnings) def __repr__(self): rval = 'Collected Errors:\n' for e in self._errors: rval += ' {0}\n'.format(repr(e)) return rval
[docs] def _render_cli_group(self, g): for idx, i in enumerate(g): if 'detail_core' in i.keys(): detail = i['detail_core'] else: detail = i['detail'] print("{0}.{1} : {2}" "".format(idx + 1, i['headline'], detail))
[docs] def render_cli(self, name): width = terminal.get_terminal_width() hline = '-' * width print(hline + Style.BRIGHT) titleformat = "{0:<" + str(width - 13) + "} {1:>2} {2}" print(titleformat.format(name, self.terrors, 'ALERTS') + Style.NORMAL) if self.nerrors: print(Fore.RED + hline) print(titleformat.format('', self.nerrors, 'ERRORS')) for n, g in self.errors_by_type.items(): print(hline + Style.BRIGHT) print(titleformat.format(n, len(g), 'INSTANCES') + Style.NORMAL) self._render_cli_group(g) if self.nwarnings: print(Fore.YELLOW + hline) print(titleformat.format('', self.nwarnings, 'WARNINGS')) for n, g in self.warnings_by_type.items(): print(hline + Style.BRIGHT) print(titleformat.format(n, len(g), 'INSTANCES') + Style.NORMAL) self._render_cli_group(g) print(Fore.RESET + Style.BRIGHT + hline + Style.NORMAL)