Source code for tendril.boms.electronics

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

# Copyright (C) 2015 Chintalagiri Shashank
# This file is part of Tendril.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Electronic Boms Module documentation (:mod:`boms.electronics`)

This module contains various classes for handling structured data present in
elctronics BOMs. The module is built for use with gEDA with specific additions
and/or constraints to the standard gEDA project structure. Use with other EDA
tools should be possible by replacing ``gedaif`` with an EDA tool specific

Module Summary:

.. autosummary::

Module Members:


import copy
import os
import warnings

from tendril.conventions.electronics import fpiswire
from tendril.conventions.electronics import ident_transform
from tendril.gedaif.bomparser import MotifAwareBomParser
from tendril.gedaif.conffile import ConfigsFile

from tendril.entityhub.entitybase import EntityBase
from tendril.entityhub.entitybase import EntityBomBase
from tendril.entityhub.entitybase import EntityGroupBase

from .validate import ValidationContext
from .validate import ErrorCollector
from .validate import ValidationError
from .validate import BomGroupPolicy
from .validate import ConfigMotifPolicy
from .validate import ConfigMotifMissingError
from .validate import ConfigGroupError
from .validate import ConfigGroupPolicy
from .validate import ConfigSJPolicy
from .validate import ConfigSJUnexpectedError

from .outputbase import OutputBom
from .outputbase import OutputElnBomDescriptor
from .costingbase import HierachicalCostingBreakup
from .costingbase import NoStructureHereException

from tendril.utils import log
logger = log.get_logger(__name__, log.DEFAULT)

[docs]class EntityElnComp(EntityBase): """Object containing a single electronic component. Accept a ``gedaif.bomparser.BomLine`` generated through gnetlist's ``bom`` backend. The ``attribs`` file should atleast contain: * device * value * footprint * fillstatus :param item: BomLine containing details of component to be created :type item: gedaif.bomparser.BomLine """ def __init__(self, item=None): super(EntityElnComp, self).__init__() self._device = "" self._value = "" self._footprint = "" self._fillstatus = "" if item is not None: self.define(['refdes'],['device'],['value'],['footprint'],['fillstatus'],['schfile'])
[docs] def define(self, refdes, device, value, footprint="", fillstatus="", schfile=None): """ Define the component. Can be used directly for special cases when there is no `tendril.gedaif.bomparser.BomLine` to pass to the class `__init__` function. :param refdes: Refdes string. :param device: Device string. :param value: Value string. :param footprint: Footprint string. Optional. :param fillstatus: Fillstatus string. Optional. """ self.refdes = refdes self.device = device self.value = value self.footprint = footprint self.fillstatus = fillstatus self._defined = True self.schfile = None
@property def fillstatus(self): """ Fillstatus string. When ``fillstatus`` is ``DNP``, the component is not included in BOMs irrespective of other configuration states. """ return self._fillstatus @fillstatus.setter def fillstatus(self, value): if value == 'DNP': self._fillstatus = 'DNP' elif value in ['unknown', '']: self._fillstatus = '' elif value == 'CONF': self._fillstatus = 'CONF' else: logger.warning("Unsupported fillstatus: " + value) @property def ident(self): return ident_transform(self.device, self.value, self.footprint) @property def device(self): """ Component device string. """ return self._device @device.setter def device(self, value): self._device = value @property def value(self): """ Component value string. """ return self._value @value.setter def value(self, value): self._value = value @property def footprint(self): """ Component footprint string. ``MY-`` at the beginning of the footprint string is stripped away automatically. """ return self._footprint @footprint.setter def footprint(self, value): if value is None: return if value[0:3] == "MY-": self._footprint = value[3:] else: self._footprint = value
[docs]class EntityElnGroup(EntityGroupBase): """ Container for a group of EntityElnComp objects. :ivar groupname: Name of the group """ def __init__(self, groupname, contextname): super(EntityElnGroup, self).__init__(groupname, contextname) pass
[docs] def insert(self, item): """ Insert an electronic component into the EntityGroup. Accept a BomLine and generate an EntityElnComp to represent the component if it's ``fillstatus`` is not ``DNP``. Insert the created EntityElnComp object into the group. :param item: ``BomLine`` representing the item to insert. :type item: gedaif.bomparser.BomLine """ if['fillstatus'] != 'DNP': x = EntityElnComp(item) if x.defined: self.complist.append(x)
[docs] def insert_eln_comp(self, comp): """ Insert a manually created component into the EntityGroup. This should be used for components not originating directly from gEDA's gnetlist output. :param comp: Existing component to insert :type comp: EntityElnComp """ if comp.defined: self.complist.append(comp)
[docs]class EntityElnBomConf(ConfigsFile): pass
[docs]class EntityElnBom(EntityBomBase): def __init__(self, configfile, use_cached=True): """ :type configfile: gedaif.conffile.ConfigsFile """ super(EntityElnBom, self).__init__() self.configurations = configfile self._included_motifs = [] self._motifs = [] self._configured_for = None self._validation_context = ValidationContext( self.configurations.projectfolder, 'BOM') self._group_policy = None self._validation_errors = ErrorCollector() self.create_groups() self.populate_bom(use_cached=use_cached) @property def validation_errors(self): return self._validation_errors @property def pcbname(self): warnings.warn("Deprecated access of pcbname", DeprecationWarning) return self.configurations.pcbname @property def projfile(self): warnings.warn("Deprecated access of projfile", DeprecationWarning) return self.configurations.projectfile @property def projectfolder(self): warnings.warn("Deprecated access of projectfolder", DeprecationWarning) return self.configurations.projectfolder @property def motifs(self, all_defined=False): if all_defined: return sorted(self._motifs, key=lambda x: (x._type, int(x._ident))) else: return sorted(self._included_motifs, key=lambda x: (x._type, int(x._ident)))
[docs] def create_groups(self): groupnamelist = self.configurations.group_names file_groups = self.configurations.file_groups if 'default' not in groupnamelist: groupnamelist.append('default') for group in groupnamelist: logger.debug("Creating Group: " + str(group)) x = EntityElnGroup(group, self.configurations.pcbname) self.grouplist.append(x) self._group_policy = BomGroupPolicy(self._validation_context, groupnamelist, file_groups)
[docs] def find_group(self, groupname): """ :rtype : EntityElnGroup """ for group in self.grouplist: if group.groupname == groupname: return group
[docs] def find_tgroup(self, item): """ :rtype : EntityElnGroup """ try: gname = self._group_policy.check(item) except ValidationError as e: self._validation_errors.add(e) gname = self._group_policy.default return self.find_group(gname)
[docs] def _add_item(self, item): # TODO This function includes very specific special cases # These need to come out of core and into the instance. if['device'] in {'TESTPOINT', 'PCB EDGE'}: return tgroup = self.find_tgroup(item) skip = False if['footprint'] == 'MY-TO220': comp = EntityElnComp() comp.define('HS' +['refdes'][1:], 'HEAT SINK', 'TO220') tgroup.insert_eln_comp(comp) if['device'] == 'MODULE LCD' and \['value'] == "CHARACTER PARALLEL 16x2" and \['footprint'] == "MY-MTA100-16": comp = EntityElnComp() comp.define(['refdes'], 'CONN SIP', "16PIN PM ST", "MY-MTA100-16" ) tgroup.insert_eln_comp(comp) skip = True if['device'] == 'RES SMD' and \['value'] == '0E': comp = EntityElnComp() comp.define(['refdes'], 'SOLDER DOT', '0E', footprint='MY-0603',['fillstatus'] ) tgroup.insert_eln_comp(comp) skip = True if['value'].startswith('DUAL'): fp =['footprint'] # if fp.endswith('-2'): # fp = fp[:-1 * len('-2')] comp = EntityElnComp() comp.define(['refdes'] + '.1',['device'],['value'].split(' ', 1)[1], footprint=fp,['fillstatus'] ) tgroup.insert_eln_comp(comp) comp = EntityElnComp() comp.define(['refdes'] + '.2',['device'],['value'].split(' ', 1)[1], footprint=fp,['fillstatus'] ) tgroup.insert_eln_comp(comp) skip = True if not skip: tgroup.insert(item)
[docs] def populate_bom(self, use_cached=True): if self.configurations.pcbname is not None: tgroup = self.find_group('default') comp = EntityElnComp() comp.define('PCB', 'PCB', self.configurations.pcbname) tgroup.insert_eln_comp(comp) parser = MotifAwareBomParser(self.configurations.projectfolder, use_cached=use_cached, backend="bom") for item in parser.line_gen: self._add_item(item) for motif in parser.motif_gen: self._motifs.append(motif) self._validation_errors.add(parser.validation_errors)
[docs] def get_motif_by_refdes(self, refdes): for motif in self._motifs: if refdes == motif.refdes: return motif return None
@property def configured_for(self): return self._configured_for
[docs] def configure_motifs(self, configname): self._configured_for = configname self._included_motifs = [] ctx = copy.copy(self._validation_context) ctx.locality = 'BOM_CM_{0}'.format(configname) motifconfs = self.configurations.configuration_motiflist(configname) if motifconfs is not None: policy = ConfigMotifPolicy(ctx) for key, motifconf in motifconfs.iteritems(): motif = self.get_motif_by_refdes(key) if motif is None: e = ConfigMotifMissingError(policy, key) self._validation_errors.add(e) continue motif_actconf = motif.get_configdict_stub() if self.configurations.motiflist is not None: motif_actconf.update(self.configurations.motif_baseconf(key)) motif_actconf.update(motifconf) motif.configure(motif_actconf) self._included_motifs.append(motif)
[docs] def create_output_bom(self, configname, groupname=None): if configname not in self.configurations.configuration_names: raise ValueError outbomdescriptor = OutputElnBomDescriptor( self.configurations.pcbname, self.configurations.projectfolder, configname, self.configurations, groupname=groupname ) outbom = OutputBom(outbomdescriptor) if groupname is None: is_group_bom = False outgroups = self.configurations.configuration_grouplist(configname) # noqa else: is_group_bom = True outgroups = [groupname] genlist = self.configurations.configuration_genlist(configname) gen_refdeslist = None if genlist is not None: gen_refdeslist = genlist.keys() sjlist = self.configurations.configuration_sjlist(configname) sj_refdeslist = None if sjlist is not None: sj_refdeslist = sjlist.keys() ctx = self._validation_context _policy_ge = ConfigGroupPolicy(ctx, self._group_policy.known_groups) _policy_sj = ConfigSJPolicy(ctx) for group in outgroups: grpobj = self.find_group(group) if grpobj is None: e = ConfigGroupError(_policy_ge, group) self._validation_errors.add(e) continue for comp in grpobj.complist: if gen_refdeslist is not None and \ comp.refdes in gen_refdeslist: # TODO Verify refdes has Generator status in schematic if fpiswire(comp.device): comp.footprint = genlist[comp.refdes] else: comp.value = genlist[comp.refdes] if sj_refdeslist is not None and comp.refdes in sj_refdeslist: if not comp.fillstatus == 'CONF': e = ConfigSJUnexpectedError(_policy_sj, comp.refdes, comp.fillstatus) self._validation_errors.add(e) if sjlist[comp.refdes]: logger.debug("Setting Fillstatus : " + comp.refdes) comp.fillstatus = '' else: logger.debug("Clearing Fillstatus : " + comp.refdes) comp.fillstatus = 'DNP' outbom.insert_component(comp) motifconfs = self.configurations.configuration_motiflist(configname) if motifconfs is None: outbom.sort_by_ident() outbom.validation_errors.add(self._validation_errors) return outbom if self._configured_for != configname: self.configure_motifs(configname) for key, motifconf in motifconfs.iteritems(): motif = self.get_motif_by_refdes(key) if motif is None: # This error would already have beed reported when # motifs were configured. logger.error("Motif not defined : " + key) continue for item in motif.get_line_gen(): item_group =['group'] if item_group == 'unknown' or item_group in outgroups and \['fillstatus'] != 'DNP': outbom.insert_component(EntityElnComp(item)) outbom.sort_by_ident() outbom.validation_errors.add(self._validation_errors) return outbom
[docs] def get_group_boms(self, configname): if configname not in self.configurations.configuration_names: raise ValueError rval = [] for group in self.configurations.configuration_grouplist(configname): rval.append(self.create_output_bom(configname, groupname=group)) return rval
[docs] def indicative_cost_hierarchical_breakup(self, configname): group_boms = self.get_group_boms(configname) if len(group_boms) == 1: raise NoStructureHereException rval = HierachicalCostingBreakup(configname) for obom in group_boms: rval.insert(obom.descriptor.groupname, obom.indicative_cost_breakup) return rval
[docs]def import_pcb(cardfolder): """Import PCB and return a populated EntityBom Accept cardfolder as an argument and return a populated EntityBOM. The cardfolder should be the path to a PCB folder, containing the file structure described in ``somewhere``. .. seealso:: - ``gedaif.projfile.GedaProjectFile`` - ``gEDA Project Folder Structure`` :param cardfolder: PCB folder (containing schematic, pcb, gerber) :type cardfolder: str :return: Populated EntityBom :rtype: EntityBom :Example: >>> import tendril.boms.electronics >>> bom = tendril.boms.electronics.import_pcb('path/to/cardfolder') """ cardfolder = os.path.abspath(cardfolder) pcbbom = None configfile = ConfigsFile(cardfolder) if configfile.rawconfig is not None: pcbbom = EntityElnBom(configfile) return pcbbom
if __name__ == "__main__": pass