Source code for tendril.boms.configbase

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

# Copyright (C) 2016 Chintalagiri Shashank
# This file is part of tendril.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Base project configuration structures.

Files :
    - Config File
    - Project Folder
    - Documentation Folder
    - Pricing Folder (Deprecate?)

Project Structures:
    - Groups
    - Motifs
    - Generators
    - Jumpers

Configuration Tree:
    - Config Sections
    - Config Matrix
    - Configurations

Specialized Structures:
    - Description
    - Status
    - Serial Number Series
    - Production Information *
    - Documentation Information *
    - Testing Information
        - tests
        - testvars


import os
import copy
import itertools
import warnings
from decimal import Decimal

from tendril.boms.validate import ValidationContext
from tendril.boms.validate import ErrorCollector
from tendril.boms.validate import ValidationError
from tendril.boms.validate import ValidationPolicy
from tendril.boms.validate import ConfigOptionPolicy

from tendril.boms.validate import get_dict_val

from tendril.utils.files import yml as yaml
from tendril.utils import log
logger = log.get_logger(__name__, log.DEFAULT)

[docs]class NoProjectError(Exception): pass
[docs]class SchemaPolicy(ValidationPolicy): def __init__(self, context, name, vmax, vmin): super(SchemaPolicy, self).__init__(context) = name self.vmax = vmax self.vmin = vmin
[docs] def validate(self, name, version): if name == and self.vmin <= version <= self.vmax: return True else: return False
[docs]class SchemaNotSupportedError(ValidationError): def __init__(self, policy, value): super(SchemaNotSupportedError, self).__init__(policy) self._value = value def __repr__(self): return "<SchemaNotSupportedError {0}{1}>" \ "".format(self._policy.context, self._value)
[docs]class ConfigBase(object): NoProjectErrorType = NoProjectError schema_name = None schema_version_max = None schema_version_min = None def __init__(self, projectfolder): self._projectfolder = os.path.normpath(projectfolder) self._validation_context = ValidationContext(self.projectfolder, locality='Configs') self._validation_errors = ErrorCollector() try: self._configdata = self.get_configs_file() except IOError: raise self.NoProjectErrorType(self._projectfolder) @property def _cfpath(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_configs_file(self): configdata = yaml.load(self._cfpath) try: return self._verify_schema_decl(configdata) except SchemaNotSupportedError as e: self._validation_errors.add(e)
@property def _schema_name_policy(self): return ConfigOptionPolicy( self._validation_context, ('schema', 'name') ) @property def _schema_ver_policy(self): return ConfigOptionPolicy( self._validation_context, ('schema', 'version') )
[docs] def _verify_schema_decl(self, configdata): schema_policy = SchemaPolicy( self._validation_context, self.schema_name, self.schema_version_max, self.schema_version_min ) schema_name = get_dict_val(configdata, self._schema_name_policy) schema_version = Decimal(get_dict_val(configdata, self._schema_ver_policy)) if schema_policy.validate(schema_name, schema_version): return configdata else: raise SchemaNotSupportedError( schema_policy, '{0}v{1}'.format(schema_name, schema_version) )
[docs] def validate(self): raise NotImplementedError
@property def projectfolder(self): return self._projectfolder @property def docfolder(self): raise NotImplementedError @property def pricingfolder(self): raise NotImplementedError @property def indicative_pricing_folder(self): warnings.warn("Deprecated Access of indicative_pricing_folder", DeprecationWarning) return self.pricingfolder @property def grouplist(self): if "grouplist" in self._configdata.keys(): return self._configdata["grouplist"] else: return [{'name': 'default', 'desc': 'Unclassified'}] @property def file_groups(self): rval = {} # TODO Verify file names are correct for group in self.grouplist: if 'file' in group.keys(): if isinstance(group['file'], list): for f in group['file']: rval[f] = group['name'] else: rval[group['file']] = group['name'] return rval @property def group_names(self): return [x['name'] for x in self.grouplist]
[docs] def get_group_desc(self, groupname): for group in self.grouplist: if group['name'] == groupname: return group['desc']
@property def motiflist(self): if "motiflist" in self._configdata.keys(): return self._configdata["motiflist"] else: return [] @property def motif_refdeslist(self): return self.motiflist.keys()
[docs] def motif_baseconf(self, refdes): for mrefdes, mconf in self.motiflist.iteritems(): if mrefdes == refdes: return mconf raise ValueError("Motif with refdes {0} not defined for {1}" "".format(refdes, self._projectfolder))
@property def sjlist(self): if "sjlist" in self._configdata.keys(): return self._configdata["sjlist"] else: return {} @property def genlist(self): raise NotImplementedError # Configmatrices # @property def configmatrices(self): if "configmatrix" in self._configdata.keys(): return self._configdata["configmatrix"] else: return []
[docs] def _configmatrix_baseconfigs(self): return [x['baseconfig'] for x in self.configmatrices]
[docs] def _get_configmatrix(self, baseconfig): for configmatrix in self.configmatrices: if configmatrix['baseconfig'] == baseconfig: return configmatrix raise ValueError("No configmatrix uses {0} as a baseconfig for {1}" "".format(baseconfig, self._projectfolder))
[docs] def _expand_configmatrix(self, baseconfig): matrix = self._get_configmatrix(baseconfig['configname']) dimensions = {d['name']: d['options'] for d in matrix['dimensions']} rval = [] for subconfig in matrix['subconfigs']: ldimensions = [] laxes = [] lactions = subconfig['actions'] for dimension, options in dimensions.iteritems(): if dimension in subconfig['dimensions']: ldimensions.append(dimension) laxes.append(options) for vector in itertools.product(*laxes): nconfig = copy.deepcopy(baseconfig) nconfig['configname'] = subconfig['configname'] nconfig['desc'] = subconfig['desc'] for idx, component in enumerate(vector): dimname = ldimensions[idx] # Update configname nconfig['configname'] = nconfig['configname'].replace( '<{0}:{1}>'.format(dimname, 'npart'), component['npart'] ) # Update desc nconfig['desc'] = nconfig['desc'].replace( '<{0}:{1}>'.format(dimname, 'tpart'), component['tpart'] ) # Update all others for param, action in lactions.iteritems(): if action == 'pass': continue if action == 'extend': if param == 'grouplist': if param not in nconfig.keys(): nconfig[param] = [] if param not in component.keys(): # TODO Consider a valdation warning here continue nlist = [x for x in component[param] if x is not None] nconfig[param].extend(nlist) continue if action == 'update': if param in ['genlist', 'sjlist']: if param not in nconfig.keys(): nconfig[param] = {} if param not in component.keys(): # TODO Consider a valdation warning here continue nconfig[param].update(component[param]) continue raise AttributeError("{0} Action not recognized for " "{1} {2}".format( action, param, self._projectfolder)) rval.append(nconfig) return rval
# Configsections # @property def configsections(self): if "configsections" in self._configdata.keys(): return self._configdata["configsections"] else: return [] @property def configsection_names(self): return [x['sectionname'] for x in self.configsections]
[docs] def get_configsections(self): warnings.warn("Deprecated access of get_configsections", DeprecationWarning) return self.configsection_names
[docs] def configsection(self, sectionname): for configsection in self.configsections: if configsection['sectionname'] == sectionname: return configsection raise ValueError('Configsection {0} not found for {1}' ''.format(sectionname, self._projectfolder))
[docs] def configsection_groups(self, sectionname): return self.configsection(sectionname)['grouplist']
[docs] def configsection_configs(self, sectionname): return self.configsection(sectionname)['configurations']
[docs] def configsection_config(self, sectionname, configname): for config in self.configsection_configs(sectionname): if config['configname'] == configname: return config raise ValueError( 'Config {0} not found for section {1} for {2}' ''.format(configname, sectionname, self._projectfolder) )
[docs] def configsection_configgroups(self, sectionname, configname): return self.configsection_config(sectionname, configname)['groups']
[docs] def get_sec_groups(self, sectionname, config): warnings.warn("Deprecated access of get_sec_groups", DeprecationWarning) return self.configsection_configgroups(sectionname, config)
# Configurations # @property def configurations(self): if 'configurations' not in self._configdata.keys(): raise AttributeError("No configuration defined for {0}" "".format(self._projectfolder)) configurations = self._configdata['configurations'] rval = [] for configuration in configurations: if configuration['configname'] in self._configmatrix_baseconfigs(): # noqa rval.extend(self._expand_configmatrix(configuration)) else: rval.append(configuration) return rval @property def configuration_names(self): return [x['configname'] for x in self.configurations]
[docs] def get_configurations(self): warnings.warn("Deprecated access of get_configurations", DeprecationWarning) return self.configuration_names
[docs] def configuration(self, configname): for x in self.configurations: if x['configname'] == configname: return x raise ValueError(configname + ' Not Found')
[docs] def _configuration_direct_grouplist(self, configname): configuration = self.configuration(configname) if 'grouplist' in configuration.keys(): return configuration['grouplist'] else: return []
[docs] def configuration_grouplist(self, configname): rval = ["default"] configuration = self.configuration(configname) if 'config' in configuration.keys(): for section, sconfig in configuration['config'].iteritems(): rval.extend(self.configsection_configgroups(section, sconfig)) rval.extend(self._configuration_direct_grouplist(configname)) while None in rval: rval.remove(None) return list(set(rval))
[docs] def get_configuration(self, configname): warnings.warn("Deprecated access of get_configuration", DeprecationWarning) return self.configuration_grouplist(configname)
[docs] def configuration_motiflist(self, configname): # TODO Also deal with defaults here? configuration = self.configuration(configname) if 'motiflist' in configuration.keys(): return configuration['motiflist'] else: return None
[docs] def get_configuration_motifs(self, configname): warnings.warn("Deprecated access of get_configuration_motifs", DeprecationWarning) return self.configuration_motiflist(configname)
[docs] def configuration_genlist(self, configname): configuration = self.configuration(configname) if 'genlist' in configuration.keys(): return configuration['genlist'] else: return None
[docs] def get_configuration_gens(self, configname): warnings.warn("Deprecated access of get_configuration_gens", DeprecationWarning) return self.configuration_genlist(configname)
[docs] def configuration_sjlist(self, configname): if self.sjlist is not None: sjlist = copy.copy(self.sjlist) else: sjlist = None configuration = self.configuration(configname) if 'sjlist' in configuration.keys(): csjlist = configuration['sjlist'] if sjlist is not None: sjlist.update(csjlist) return sjlist else: return csjlist else: return sjlist
[docs] def get_configuration_sjs(self, configname): warnings.warn("Deprecated access of get_configuration_sjs", DeprecationWarning) return self.configuration_sjlist(configname)
[docs] def description(self, configname=None): if configname is None: return self._configdata['desc'] else: for configuration in self.configurations: if configuration['configname'] == configname: return configuration['desc'] raise ValueError
[docs] def status_config(self, configname): raise NotImplementedError
@property def status(self): raise NotImplementedError @property def snoseries(self): if 'snoseries' in self._configdata.keys(): return self._configdata['snoseries'] else: raise AttributeError('snoseries not defined or not found for {0}' ''.format(self._projectfolder))
[docs] def testvars(self, configname): rval = {} for motif in self.motiflist: for k, v in self._configdata['motiflist'][motif].iteritems(): rval[':'.join([motif, k])] = v for configuration in self._configdata['configurations']: if configuration['configname'] == configname: try: rval.update(configuration['testvars']) except KeyError: pass if "motiflist" in configuration.keys(): for motif in configuration['motiflist']: for k, v in configuration['motiflist'][motif].iteritems(): rval[':'.join([motif, k])] = v return rval
[docs] def tests(self): return self._configdata['tests']
@property def rawconfig(self): return self._configdata @property def configdata(self): warnings.warn("Deprecated Access of configdata", DeprecationWarning) return self._configdata @property def validation_errors(self): return self._validation_errors