Purchase Orders Dox Module (tendril.dox.purchaseorder)

This module provides functions to generate purchase orders.

The underlying assumption made in this module is that Purchase Orders are relatively specific to vendors and include information that may be specific to the materials being purchased. While this approach does need streamlining, for the moment this works well enough to be functional.


Streamline the approach and the stage format.

The functions here use the tendril.dox.render module to actually produce the output files after constructing the appropriate stage.

See also


Document Generators

render_po(stage, templateid, outpath) Generates a purchase order using the template indicated by templateid.
tendril.dox.purchaseorder.render_po(stage, templateid, outpath)[source]

Generates a purchase order using the template indicated by templateid.

  • stage (dict) – The dictionary to be sent along to the jinja2 template.
  • templateid (str) – The id of the template to use.
  • outpath (str) – The path to which the output should be written, including .pdf.

The outpath.

Template Used

This function uses a template specified by templateid, specifically, using the template named po_[templateid]_template.tex.

Stage Keys Provided

The contents of the stage provided to the jinja2 template are specific to each template, and it is the responsibility of the caller to make sure that it contains all the keys that the template expects. The parts of the stage defined by this function, common to all templates, are :

no The serial number of the purchase order, either from the stage parameter or created.
point The name of the contact person, defined by tendril.utils.config.COMPANY_PO_POINT.
date The purchase order date, either from the stage parameter or today’s date.
lcofile The latex lcofile to use, defined by tendril.utils.config.COMPANY_PO_LCO_PATH